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it's been a while since jade has gone out without her boyfriend. she loved him but it started to feel like a chore to always be with him and only him. jade was more of a homebody when alex was always wanting to go out. it was weird that alex didn't want to party tonight since he never turns down a good time.

jade was getting ready for the party at sway. she was excited to see her friends and maybe make new ones. whenever avani and jade were together it's always a good time. talk about funny drunks.

9:00 was rolling around so jade had to hurry up.

i don't want to be on time cause then it looks like i'm trying too hard. i also cant be too late because then i'll be getting more attention. fuck.

always an over thinker. one of the many affects from jade's trauma.

"what the fuck do i wear?" jade thought to herself.

after too many minutes of going through outfits and throwing clothes around, she finally put something together.


IMESSAGES avani: avani 😩‼️jade: jade chap☝🏼

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avani: avani 😩‼️
jade: jade chap☝🏼

jade chap☝🏼
in here can u come out

avani 😩‼️
bro just come inside

jade chap☝🏼
im nervy no

avani 😩‼️
i'm busy helping kio. he's
drunk as fuck sorry. want
me to send someone to get

jade chap☝🏼
nah it's okay 😐😐😐

jade had to walk herself in, which she hated doing. she feared that there would be a group of people at the front door that she'd have to get passed.

the gomez girl opened the front door and just as she expected, there were groups of people in her way.

"excuse me," jade said to the people in front of her.

i'm the corner of the living room jade saw her bestfriend, avani crouching over the sick cyr boy.

"is he okay?"

"i think, he's thrown up so much in the last 30 minutes."

"it's only 9:40 what the fuck."

"he's been really upset about some girl he met and got carried away."

"please shut up my head fucking hurts." kio groaned.

"no one told you to drink so much." avani replied.

"you guys can go i can take care of myself."

"...let's go then." avani suggested.

the two girls walked over to the drink center where there were three other boys, one of them was avanis boyfriend, anthony.

"hi bebe," avani said to her boyfriend with a kiss.

"hey jade," anthony said, jade waved in return.

"sorry i'll introduce you. this is jordan, michael, and vinnie."

"hi," said jade.

the boys smiled at her making jade feel less intimidating by them.

"vani, come!" her boyfriend gestured.

"i'll be right back," avani told jade.


"hey you're dating alex right?" jordan asked.

"uh yeah but my names jade."

"vin its jade," the other guy nudged vinnie.

"huh? oh yeah ale's girl, i followed you the other day."

"right, vinnie." jade smiled.

vinnies friends started laughing while whispering to each other.

"you guys are weird," the girl said and walked away, hearing the boys laugh in the distance.

jade had a drink or two, or three and became more loose. she had talked to more people and felt less anxious than she did before. all jade was missing were two of her other friends, troy and amelie.

"let me text this motherfucker." jade mumbled to herself.

troy: manhoe 🙄
jade: besfren ‼️

bruv are u coming to the
party at sway?

manhoe 🙄
i'm already here?

besfren ‼️
wtf where?

the backyard. i literally
see you

besfren ‼️
what where

manhoe 🙄
look to your left

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