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narrative, snapchat:

jade woke up today feeling empty. it was hard for her to even look on the internet without seeing hate comments about her. jades fans stayed loyal for the most part though.

there was no way for her to stop the hate, unless if her side of the story got leaked somehow.

today wasn't about jade. today was vinnies 18th birthday, one of the most important birthdays of them all. she sent vinnie a quick happy birthday text and got ready for the day.

later that night some of vinnies friends were throwing him a party and jade was invited. she decided she'd go for vinnies sake, it would be shitty to miss his birthday party.

the friendship that vinnie and jade were developing was good. they snapchat and text constantly and he's been really supportive and empathetic towards jade during this time.

jades phone was getting constant notifications from alex. they were a variety of messages. jade didn't respond to any of them.

the mood swings on that boy were crazy. one hour he was trying to apologize to jade and the next he was saying how much of a bad person jade is.

jade put alex's contact on do not disturb so she could have a shot at having a good time today.

jade put alex's contact on do not disturb so she could have a shot at having a good time today

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~there will be another part tothis day later today 👍🏼 ITSVINNIES BIRTHDAY

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~there will be another part to
this day later today 👍🏼 ITS

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