5th man.

673 29 13

Been a while since I updated my bad guys 😅 let's proceed with the story...

Kris pov
"Ma'am you're grandmother is here to get you, please exit the cell." The deputy said after opening the cell door. I was beyond happy to get out of that crowded cell. I was stuffed in with prostitutes and kids from the party I was definitely screwed I walked into the main office and they gave me back my shit. I saw Marcus walking out with some man I assumed it to be his dad and I turned to my grams. She was smiling her ass off.
"I'm so sorry grams..." I began
"It's fine I'm suprised you haven't been arrested before Hun!" She said laughing her ass off. She grabbed my stuff for me out my hands and handed me a jacket shed brought with her and we exited the building. I was highly surprised my grams was cool with all this. I shrugged and put in my headphones til we pulled into the driveway. I got my stuff and went to my room. I sat down and realized my window was open. I looked out seeing Tyler's room I shook my head and turned away.
"Kris!" I heard someone yell.
Before even turning I knew who'd it be and I turned anyways. There stood Tyler in his window showing his gap in a friendly grin.
"What Tyler?" I snapped back.
"I'm sorry about the party yo..I just got jealous and how the hell was I supposed to know there would be a fucking cop and I didn't even realize you and Marcus would be there fuck man I'm horrible at this apology shit but I'm sorry. I like you kris like a lot fuck I might even love you." He blurted out.
I kindly smiled and shook my head to show I understood and I closed my window. I grabbed my jacket and board and hit the stairs leaving through the front door. I needed to go hang out with someone. I pulled out my phone and texted Travis.

- Yo you wanna chill for a bit? I got to get out.

I waited for his reply and skated around a bit. My phone buzzed and I saw Travis texted back.

Taccccc - Yeah meet me at the Chinese restaurant by the school?

I texted him back agreeing and began skating to the Chinese place. I skated past earls house I could see his lights on. It wasn't late it was just dim outside because of the clouds. Anyways I skated up to the Chinese restaurant and walked in to be greeted by Travis hopefully this will take my mind of things.

It was like 7:00 when I was about to leave from chilling with Travis he made me feel nine times better than I previously had. He was so sweet, we talked about everything and he made a ton of jokes which I of course matched with my own. I grabbed my board about to leave when it began to rain. I heard Travis tell my name and k saw him in his moms nice lil car.
"Yo get in I'm giving you a ride!" He yelled.
Due to the rain I had no issue with that like at all. I hoped In and within minutes we were at my house. I turned to thank him. I gave him a hug and we kinda just looked at each other.
"You know..you're cute with you're hair up." He said.

"And you're cute with you're Afro." I said smiling I kissed his cheek which led to his lips and got out the car and opened my front door going inside. I laid down on my bed when my phone rang.
Floated across the screen and I answered.
"Marcus hey! I hope you didn't get in to much trouble at the party in sorry!" I exclaimed. He told me he was fine and asked to hang out tonight. Of course I agreed I wasn't tired. He came a few minutes later and we went to my room.
"So how are you." I said starting a conversation.
"Besides getting arrested great haha what about you how's the criminal life been treating you." He said smiling.
I laughed he was so adorable. After a while of talking I walked him out and he turned to say goodbye. We hugged and he smiled.
"I never noticed how pretty you're eyes are. Wow." He said smiling. I thanked him and he kissed my lips I kinda was thrown off this was a first but I wasn't trippin. And with that Marcus was gone. I went into the house and looked for Christian. I hadn't talked to him in a minute.
"CHRIS!" I yelled.
I got no reply so I walked to his room. I cracked the door open to see him knocked out on his bed. I laughed and closed the door. I heard someone knock on the door and I went to answer it and surprising met the face of Thebe.

"Hey I came to apologize for my actions...you know I like you and I hate seeing you with someone that isn't me you know? It's like Having cereal and realizing all the milk is in oatmeal or some shit. I haven't felt this bad since the time I tried to give up weed for a month. But, we don't have to like each other the way I like you I just want you as a friend or anything just to be around you would be great honesty." He said.
He looked so tired and like he hadn't slept in a while I smiled at him hugging him extra tightly.
"Thankyou for saying all of that Theb's you got me as a friend and maybe even more one day." I said touching his cheek and before I knew it I smashed my lips into his. I heard the door open and my grams walked in.

"Well call me a cherry bomb I see you two made up! I thought I'd explode if y'all didn't you can stay for dinner if you'd like Thebe." She said laughing.

He thanked her but had to get back home. He left and I stood there.

4 amazing guys. But only 1 me. This shit is confusing and hard as fuck sounds like a damn Disney movie or some shit. My head was spinning I'd kiss everyone but Tyler. I felt kinda weird about it. I walked back into the The door opened and in walked my mom.

"Christian! Kristy! Uh your father is here."

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