From bad to worse

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- Alejandro is there father just a heads up.

2 days after he comes to their home.

After that fiasco I think I need a drink. Or fat burger. I think I'll go with that since it's easier to buy. I got up to leave when my father walked in.

"Can we get lunch?" He asked

"I'm busy I'll be back." I said as rude as possible.

He sighed as I left the room. He's in town for the next few days unfortunately my stupid mother let him stay here. Hell she isn't even here to keep and eye on him what an idiot. It's been a day Christian hasn't warmed up to Alejandro . I refuse to call him my father. Fathers don't abandon they're kids and come back when they are nearly grown ass men and women. Pathetic father he is. It was nice weather like it would sprinkle soon. I popped in my headphones and headed to fat burger. I walked in to the sound of the guys yelling. What the fuck? I saw them all chilling. I got heated they usually invite me. I thought we was friends? Guess not. I lost my appetite and dipped heading to the skate park. I sat in the deepest part of the skate park and pulled out my phone. I pressed twitter when someone snatched my phone. I looked up to see Tyler. He was smiling his ass off.

"Uh hey T." I said trying not to sound upset.

"Hey why are you in here?" He asked playing on my phone.

"Thinking." By now I was wondering off looking around the place I was in. I was sad. Things had been going good and then went to absolute shit. As soon as I stood all the crew came and sat.

"YO KRIS!" They yelled in union probably planned.
I weakly smiled and told them I had to go I grabbed my phone from Tyler and darted home on my board. I was a few minutes say from the house when I decided not to go home. I didn't want to deal with my father. I needed somewhere to go so I decided on going to the lake Tyler is always ranting on and on about. I didn't know exactly where it was besides the fact it was kinda in the woods. I got directions from random bums off the street and arrived there in no time. I took a seat on the greenest grass id ever seen. It was fucking cool. The water was kinda clear there was ducks and turtles all over this bitch. Flowers and plenty of trees keeping it shady in the area. The lake was pretty. I kinda get why Tyler loves it so much maybe even more than fat burger. I put my hair in ponytail and stripped down to my boy shorts and thankfully a sports bra. I got into the water inch by inch and finally dove in. It felt nice. After a while of swimming around it started getting dark. I attempted to dry off and threw my shorts back on and a hoodie. I grabbed my backpack and my board and began walking back through the path through the woods to the Main Street. I got onto my board and began skating home. I saw Tyler and Travis walking down the street towards his house I just popped in my headphones and tried to ignore and be unseen. Next thing I knew I was flying through the air and I landed on my side, Tyler was running towards me along with Travis. And everything kinda started blurring. Tyler was yelling at the driver of the car I presume hit me. I wasn't hurt bad but my side was killing me. And I had an intense amount of scratching on my face and legs. I sat up clutching my head which was pounding.


His yelling was so loud I almost cried from the pain it was inflicting on my head. Travis was next to me telling me to relax. I looked up to see Tyler yelling at a girl. My vision was going in and out. Shit I probably have a concussion. Once I got my eyes to focus I saw Ashlyn. I swear to god I'm going to kill her. Tyler was still yelling when he realized I was up and alert. He and Travis grabbed me together and put me in Tyler's grandmas car. I guess I'll just whoop her ass after I get done at the hospital. Maybe Doctor jay can give me some pointers. I was slumped over at first and sat up I could see Ashlyn running after the car and then fading into the distance and someone getting out her car. Couldn't make out who but I guess it's irrelevant now.

Ashlyn's pov

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at Alejandro.

Ash- Why'd your run her over you idiot! That's your fucking daughter and you're trying to kill her? You're a fucking maniac!

I was beyond pissed. I didn't mean to get her into this! Alejandro was the one who had hit her. I wasn't even driving he asked me to take him to the store since he had no car and Christian had his mothers. I was here to see Kristy. And he got me to let him drive. Fuck they're all going to kill me.

Ale- Calm the fuck down. I'm broke don't you get it? If I kill her and and her brother and their mother I'll be fucking rich off the insurance checks. I never cared about those fucking kids.

I was shocked. He slowly came my way and threw me into the car. Next thing I knew he punched me in the face and everything got black. What the fuck did their mom just get them into?

[ JUST TO CLARIFY SOME THINGS ALEJANDRO IS THEIR DAD SORRY I FORGOT TO INTRODUCE HIM I just realized a lot got deleted smfh anyways he came into town and has been living with them for like two days Christian ran off and the mom went away aswell any further questions? Hit my comments sorry guys :/ and if you don't know who Ashlyn is re read the chapter called "a game of hospitalizations" okokokokok]

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