trapped [wilbur+phil+ranboo origin smp] ready for publishing

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A/N: for this and all of my other origin SMP fanfics, I hc that all of their ages are different. Phil is still his normal old man age, but everyone else, including wilbur and jack, are teenagers. Wilbur and jack are nineteen tho. Nikki is older because m o m

The thought that he might not make it home hadn't even occurred to Wilbur when he first set out that night, finally allowed out of the shadows once the sun dipped below the horizon.

He waved at Nikki and Tubbo when he passed, then ran into Tommy at the Pube. Everyone was getting ready for bed, or about to do so. Phil, however, was still awake and about, gathering wheat and carrots from his farm.

"Hello!" Wilbur called in his direction, stepping onto the Pube porch and checking his brewing stands.

"Hey, mate! Where're you off to?" Phil paused in his work, straightening upwards and cracking his back.

"I'm going to explore a bit, maybe go visit the mountains and take a walk. I probably won't be out too late, I want to go fishing for a bit later tonight when I get back."

Phil smiled.

"I actually was up all last night with Tommy yelling next door, so I probably won't be able to sleep until late tonight as well anyways. I'd be happy to go fishing with you if you would like?" He offered.

"That sounds wonderful! I'll be back by midnight." Wilbur clapped his hands in joy. It was rare that anyone's sleeping schedules lines up with his, so being able to spend time with Phil was a gift.

"Sounds good!"

First, Wilbur climbed the tallest mountain he could find nearby and simply waled around, enjoying the night air. The sky was perfectly clear, and he even managed to spot a few phantoms flying around above him.

"Hello there!" He called up to the stars, chuckling to himself a little bit when one of them sent a warbled response he didn't understand.

"Nice weather, innit?" He yelled up again, and another warble came from the other phantom, this one more insistent, almost panicked.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

A high-pitched screech that nearly split his ears came in response, and he could almost make out a few words.


Wilbur turned and made himself invisible just in time for an arrow to sail directly through his chest. A skeleton nocked another arrow and took aim, and he instinctively dropped through the ground.

Allright, it might have been an overreaction to go completely insubstantial and fall all the way to what his communicator said was level 5, but the arrow as far too close for comfort. Wilbur looked up to where he could see the faint outline of the mountains surface thousands of feet above him and sighed. This would be a long night.

He climbed for hours, burning through the food he had packed much quicker than he would have liked. He paused in caves and little water pockets to become substantial, rest, and eat, but he could feel his energy quickly draining.

Wilbur's breathing was laboured as he struggled to climb the last few meters to the surface, face ashen and pale. He could see the surface around a hundred feet away, then 75, then 30, but the more steps he took in his ghost form, the less the stone felt like air slipping past him and more like water, then mud, then glue.

His vision flickered and he fell a few blocks, unable to keep the bottoms of his feet solid. Wilbur cursed and climbed back up again. He could hardly move by now, each step feeling like it took a thousand years, each inhale like trying to breathe in wet sand.

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