two ;;

12 0 0

ー soyoung

ー soyoung

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i woke up and it was already 7:50 am in the morning. i also woke up to my sister still talking in her dreams, so i quickly wake her up.


"what is it that you want?" what the heck.. it's like she's drunk.

"HAHA, i'm just kidding." she yawns. "do i really have to wake up this early?"

i look at the time, and already 5 minutes have passed.

"oh god, i've got to go. bye." i rush over to the stairs and quickly go down, and shut the door behind me.

i ran as fast as i could. just a few more minutes and class starts, i arrive at the school's gate.

thank god.

"hwang soyoung? woah, is that really you?"

"who are you?"

"woah, did you suddenly have amnesia?" she paused.

"oh.. right.."

she shook her head and smiled.

"it's me. kim haneul."

"whaaat? are you trying to steal neul's identity or something?"

the girl did have the same voice as haneul, though..

"come here, to the corner."

"wait who are y-"

she dragged me to a corner, where no one was nearby.

"the truth is.."

i looked at her with eyes of curiosity. who even is she and why is she pretending to be haneul?

"i got surgery. plastic surgery. all over my face."

..what? is this really the kim haneul that i used to know?

"no.. you're not haneul." i quickly rush away after hearing what the girl said.

plastic surgery? on haneul? nonsense.

i looked at my watch and it was 8:12am already. oh my god, that identity stealer who spoke nothing but nonsense wasted my time. i've got to run.

after about 4 minutes of running..

after a few minutes of running, i've arrived. now what was my class again?

right. 9-5.

it was a false alarm. my sister tricked me.
school starts later 8:30am. that little whattehheck.

"you're here early, soyoung-ie." it was yeji. she came here earlier than i did. what the hell.

"unnie you actual-"

"oh yeah, i forgot to tell you. not all classes have the same schedules. your class starts at 8:30am, others have classes at 8am, and some even start at 9am."

"yeah, sure they do. now come here, i'll beat you up."

"why does it seem like you're the older sister?"

"because i am, mentally."

"whatever. i'm going to class, bye shortie!"

"don't call me that for fuck's sake!"

one day, i will beat her up. you'll see.

a few minutes later after i "designed" my locker with stickers, pictures and medals, i noticed my  friend's ex standing by the lockers. that nasty choi soobin guy. how dare he cheat on someone as precious as haneul?

i quickly walked away and avoided eye contact with that guy. i doubt that he really knows me though. whatever.

while i was walking to the classroom, silence suddenly took over.

what the fuck.

it's as if time suddenly stopped.

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