four ;;

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ー soyoung

ー soyoung

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what the fuck.

it's as if time suddenly stopped.

i looked to my right, the students walking along the corridors froze, and the noises from the high-schoolers stopped. i then slowly looked to my left, and a type of floating hologram blinded my eyes.

there was a tall guy at the other side of the hologram-like light. i couldn't quite see who they were though. it was too bright.

"excuse me? sir?" he quickly looked at me and it looked like that he was panicking inside. he looked nervous.

"goodbye." he whispered to my ear.


in a blink of an eye, time resumed once again. the guy i saw earlier ran straight to the classroom. i tried to follow him there, but when i arrived, there were about 3 tall guys there. i'll surely humiliate myself just trying to ask one of them about this "crazy" thing that happened to me.

as the bell rang, i sat on my seat, still wondering about who that guy from earlier could be. was he a sort of magician? perhaps a person from the past, or future?

i've always believed in these kind of stuff. ghosts, time travelers and such. that's why i'm not really that shocked about what happened earlier. i've once experienced this when i was young.

i was in the grocery store with my mom and my sister when i was about 6, and time stopped. i thought that they were just pulling a prank on me, so i just ignored it. i mean, i was just 6. you can't blame me.

of course it had to be history class. the most boring subject.

my seatmate, one of the tall guys, lee donghyuck, or more known as haechan, was about to doze off. i silently giggled because he went to sleep before me. he was my classmate since my sophomore year. we would always share our answers whenever we doze off every history class together, but now he's done it before me. great.

haechan suddenly lifted his head up and looked at me with sleepy eyes while i was silently giggling.

"what?" he whispered.

"did you really hear me giggle?"

"yes, in fact, i woke up because of you."

"that's great. race you to sleep, then."

we both silently laughed and put our heads down on the table. we betted on who would get to sleep first. the loser would treat the other one to ice cream. better get to sleeping.

time skip

i woke up to the sound of the bell. haechan was staring at me as i opened my eyes.

"okay, you win. come on, let's get ice cream. you slept through three subjects."

"quite an expert, am i right?" i yawned.

"sure, sleepyhead."

we both smiled at each other. "last person to the canteen is a loser."

"i bet you i'll beat you there, shortie!" he began running.

"that's the wrong way idiot!" i shouted loudly. i am quite fast at running, but so was haechan.

"there's a shortcut here!!" i heard him shout. his voice is loud for a boy. whatever.

i was running without even looking at my surroundings. i didn't mind bumping into anyone at all. i did not want to be called a loser. even if i already am one.

the canteen was so far away from our classroom. i wonder if haechan already arrived ther-

"ow." wait.. that voice sounds familiar. i bumped into a tall guy, almost at the height of haechan.

"oh my god, i am so sorry." i bowed to him, trying to see his face from below.

he peeks at my face, and immediately walks away.

"excuse me." i grabbed his wrist. he turned around. "yes?"

"choi soobin?!" he suddenly looked shocked. "who's this girl, soobin?", says a smaller guy beside him. most probably his friend.

"how do you know me, miss..?" it sounds like he's asking for my name. should i really say it? you know what, it's better to risk it.

"so young-ie. hwang so young." he covered his mouth shockingly after what i said.

a/n: moazens ik what yall r thinking, just pretend that haechan is also 6'1" so we can be at peace

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