three ;;

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ー flashback ; soobin

ー flashback ; soobin

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is there someone else who is experiencing the same as me? am i the only one?

i began to quietly panic. i slammed the door behind me and went out of my room. i quickly ran to my mom.

tears were flowing down from my eyes.

i have never been so terrified in my life.

"ma!" i exclaimed. my mom looked at me worried as i called her.

"binnie? what's wrong? why are you crying?" she wiped the tear on my cheek.

"i.." i began to rethink if i should tell her or not. if i did, she would most probably reply something like 'are you crazy?' or something like 'what a good joke'.

"i just missed you." i smiled at her with watery eyes.

"awww binnie.. but was that really something to cry about?" oh god.. think of a reason soobin, think of a reason!

i couldn't think of a reason at all.

my mind went completely blank.

i looked at the ground instead, trying to ignore her question.

"nothing?" i looked back up at her.

"do i have to have a reason to miss you?" i hugged her without even knowing what i was doing. i've actually gone completely crazy.

"you're making my heart flutter."

"because i'm so handsome?" i sniffed.

she hit my head gently. "yeah yeah, sure honey."

we then laughed together, forgetting about the fact that i was seeing these hologram sorta things. i thought it would be better if no one knew about this.

or at least i did.

[ this is just a flashback that's why it's so short please don't come at me😭✋]

my choice ー choi soobinWhere stories live. Discover now