six ;;

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ー soyoung

ー"excuse me

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"excuse me." i grabbed his wrist. he turned around. "yes?"

"choi soobin?!" he suddenly looked shocked. "who's this girl, soobin?", says a smaller guy beside him. most probably his friend.

"how do you know me, miss..?" it sounds like he's asking for my name.  should i really say it? you know what, it's better to risk it.

"so young-ie. hwang so young." he covered his mouth shockingly after what i said. he paused for a bit. "i didn't ask for your name though.." oh crap, i messed up. why do you have to assume so much, you actual idiot!

"oh.. i'm so sorry. i assumed that you were asking for my name." i bowed lower, trying to get on his good side.

he then began to walk away. just then he was out of sight, i remembered something. something that included him. just before the time stopped, i was ignoring him. i was ignoring the one and only, choi soobin. oh my god, i really am becoming old now. it was him. it was him this whole time.

i got a sticky note and wrote;

dear soobin,
your secret is safe with me, don't worry. :)
- soyoung

better get back to the classroom to put it on his desk.

while i was walking out by the canteen, i heard footsteps. it was like someone was following me. they were getting faster, and i begin to walk faster as well. i was about to tear up then began to run for my life, until that mysterious figure caught my hand.

"who are you?!" i was screaming in tears. i wouldn't want such an incident to happen again.

"soyoung? are you okay? what's wrong?" it was haechan.

"nothing. i was just startled, that's all." i completely forgot about the fact that i was racing haechan to the canteen. i wiped my tears and smiled at haechan with puffy eyes.

"are you sure? do you want me to take you to the clinic?" why is he so concerned? i don't want to assume though, we all know what happened when i did.

"no, no. i'm completely fine." i sniffed. "no worries! come on, i'm the loser, right?" he left no response. he looked at me with worried eyes. i could just see it. "i'll treat you. come on." i grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the canteen.

ー soobin

ーbut why is my heart fluttering

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but why is my heart fluttering..? i haven't felt this way in so long...

beomgyu dragged me away to the boys' washroom. i was staring at the wall just like how time stops everytime there's a choice to be made.

speaking of the devil, here it goes again. i thought i was just imagining things.

[befriend hwang so young or get beomgyu to befriend hwang so young, and befriend her through beomgyu?]

why are the questions all suddenly about that girl? i mean, it could be any other girl. why her?

don't tell me.. i have to forcefully love someone. again.

i hate this curse so much. why can't i just live a normal life like everyone else?

why does it have to be me?

[chosen answer: befriend hwang so young.]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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