Chapter 6

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"Skylynn! Why aren't you up yet?! It's already 7, you're going to be late for school!" I pulled the covers over my head. My eyes shot wide open in panic as I realized what my mom just said. I scrambled out of bed, rushing to the bathroom to brush my wavy hair and put on light makeup. Now I know most people don't want to or don't have the time to eat breakfast, but I can't live with skipping a meal. I've always had a really high metabolism, making me hungry constantly, and when I asked my parents about it, they just said that it must be genetics. Thank god or else I would be overflowing my bed because of the food I eat.

The image of Hayden was still fresh in my mind. He was just so mysterious and compelling, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I ran down stairs already in my outfit of my usual t-shirt and jeans.

"Good morning Sky, remember to be nice to people today and make friends! I don't want you to be all alone at school," my Mom called out from the living room where she was reading a book. I love books, but not to the point where I would wake up at 7:30 to read one. Speaking of which, the school starts at 7:30! I'm going to be late on my first day, what a great first impression. Now everyone is going to think I'm a slacker and a loser, and no one will ever talk to me. Okay... I might be exaggerating just a bit. I really need to stop watching too many bad high school movies, because I know from experience that nobody even cares. I just need to calm down and act like I know what I'm doing.

I quickly hopped into my parents car and drove off to the school. Thank you America for letting me drive at 16, it really comes in handy in times like these.

I should've come earlier so that Grace could tell me where to go, but now I have to manage on my own. Outside of the school was empty like I suspected because it was now 7:37. Well at least I don't have to make a dramatic entrance.

The office was the first thing I saw once I got inside, so I got my schedule and late pass, and headed down to my first period, physics with Mrs. O'Brien. This school is huge! How did they expect me to find my classroom without even giving me a map? I had to be searching for at least 5 minutes for this stupid F hall, when suddenly someone ran into me, causing me to stumble to the ground. I looked up only to see the eyes that have been haunting my dreams.

Of fucking course. It just had to be Hayden out of all people. I know I'm not suppose to have anything to do with him, but I have to find my way to class. The thought of skipping is very tempting, even though I have never done it, it's better than a confrontation with him.

"Can't help falling for me huh?" Hayden reached down and helped me up with the smirk on his face that made me roll my eyes.

"Can you help me find this room?" I changed the subject and avoided his eyes, because I knew once I looked at him, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Oh um yeah, I actually just got kicked out of that class." Hayden said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Just follow me." We walked to the far end of the second floor. I couldn't help but stare at the side of his face as we walked.

I was too busy staring to notice that we had already arrived. He opened the door for me like the true gentleman he is. Note the sarcasm.

"What are you doing in here Mr. Pierce? I thought I made it clear that you had to leave." The short woman in her late 40's who I assumed to be Mrs. O'Brien stood there with both hands on her hips.

"Woah calm down Mrs. O, I'm just helping out my friend over here." All the attention was now focused on me unfortunately. I could feel myself blush under everyone's gaze. I looked up and caught the eye of a disapproving Grace.

"Well come on in then, you must be Ms. Grimmings." Hayden started making his way in after me. "Not you Mr. Pierce."

Thankfully there was an open seat next to Grace. I headed that way, not bothering to look back at Hayden as he left.

"Friends?! I thought I told you not to go near him!" Grace harshly whispered as soon as I sat down.

"He was just showing me here! He helped me out, I don't get what the big deal is." This whole Hayden thing was giving me a headache.

"Why are you talking Ms. Grimmings? I am trying to teach a lesson here, but go on, continue your conversation. It must be really important if you have to interrupt me." Mrs. O'Brien and the rest of the class stared at me. I could already tell she is going to be a really strict teacher.

"Umm.. It was nothing, I'm sorry." The blush that had just faded now returned twice as prominent. I hung my head low and waited until she continued with the lesson. She already hates me... great. I looked over to Grace and saw her mouth a 'sorry'. I'm too tired for school and all of this unnecessary drama.

This day is going to suck.

(A/N) IM SO SORRY!! I haven't updated in forever I know! I seriously suck at this, but I promise I will try to stick to a schedule. Please hang in there, I'm trying my best.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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