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I woke up to find Sbani not with me and l took a shower than went back out to find a tray of my breakfast on my bed and a little note.
" Good morning sunshine" I smiled took the toast and coffee and had it than went in the closet to find something to wear. Today seemed gloomy so i wore black track pants and top had my hair in a bun than wore black takkies and went out to find him standing there with his side grin. Looking handsome in his jeans and top.
Sbani: you look different
Me: so do you. He walked closer and kissed me senseless than let goes of me.
Sbani: i love you Kailani. My heart felt like it will explode into many pieces as i looked up at him with the biggest smile i can master.
Me: i love you too.

I walked to the patio and found the whole family sitting having breakfast with khaya sitting far from Sbani.
Me: Goodmorning family
Dad: Lizwe unjani ( how are you Nolizwe)
Me: ngiright baba( am good dad)
Dad: goo than. He ate in silence. I know they know what been happening to me but they want me to be the one who break the news to them. I ate and when i was done i looked at the 3 now 4 men with khaya who are in my life and the beautiful girl who has my brother wrapped up on her finger. I looked at her closer then I saw her eyes flicker from brown to grey. She is the chosen one for my brother. I jumped up from my chair and they looked at me like am mad.
Me: she the chosen one and no one told me. I looked at my family in disbelief as yesterday events came to mind when her hair changed to grey and i looked at it now and it was perfectly black.
Sbani: you hardly come home Nolizwe
Me: you could have phoned.
Sbani: you were in Dubai, your phone was off!
Me: Am your twin sister Sbani? This is huge its something you wanted for a long time and am the last to know about it.
Sbani: you got married and cut us off in your life eventually, we lost our bond. I wasn't about to call you and tell you this over the phone plus its only been a few days since it has happened.
Me: but still.....
Sbani: No!!! He roared and for the first time ii was scared of my brother. I saw the girl touch his hand to calm him down and lord was i grateful for her intervention yesterday and today.
Sbani: you left us as years went by and that man sucked the life out of you. We waited for you to come home and tell us what eating you but instead it was lies after lies. Bruises after bruises. I saw how he kicked you unconscious sometimes. How with each baby you lost a piece of you died with it. I saw how you will cry yourself to sleep. How he chased away your friends. How your light was dimmed Nolizwe and i didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything because you never opened up to me. Why Nolizwe? How do you think i feel as your brother, twin brother that you have been a punching bag for a no body? Tell me how do i feel? And here you are standing there with your pride and yelling at me for not telling you about Kailani? Baby girl quit dreaming and tell me what do you want us to do about your numb shack of a marriage because trust me all i want is to rip him into pieces but am here waiting for you to OPEN THE FUCK UP!!! I looked at the angry man in front of me and i felt the tears rolling down my cheek and when khaya got up my brother looked at him with so much anger that he sat down.
Me: Am sorry. I cried
Sbani: Too late for apologies, what do you want me to do with him?
Me: make him feel as much of the pain that i have felt all those years. Make him suffer like how i did. I just want him and the memories to go away.
Sbani: and him? He pointed at khaya. I looked at him confused.
Me: what about him?
Sbani: don't play dumb with me.
Me: will talk about him later please. Sbani got up and left the room
Langa: Now we got that out of the way. He turned and looked at Khaya " you sure know how to pick them" he laughed as khaya shyly grinned. Kailani got up leaving us and i saw khaya follow her and i looked at my fathers and they both shrugged.

I followed her to the garden.
Me: Wait up. She waited and we both walked together in silence.
Kailani: so you and Nolizwe?
Me: its happened fast one minute i was helping her and the next we were having sex. She looked at me shocked.
Kailani: are you happy?
Me: am more scared of the guy you with right now.
Kailani: his a softie don't mind him.
Me: that not how i see him though, i want to marry Nolizwe when all this is sorted out, i hope you don't mind.
Kailani: listen we all have our roles to play. Am happy you are happy and even if its means us becoming a family like this. Its okay with me.
Me: promise
Kailani: i promise. I laughed and she smiled.
Me: i guess this makes us brothers, who would have thought that my ex wife will now be my sister.
Nolizwe: ex what? She looked at us with shock and tears in her eyes as she ran away and i ran after her.

I got my guys round up to go investigate the kingdom to take pictures of all the activities happening there for the next 3 days so we can see that Nolizwe went home or not.
Themba: after we gather information than what?
Me: you tell me, do you still want her back?
Themba: yes, i love her
Me: then we prepare to bring her back home if that what you want.
Themba: only if her father and brother are dead
Me: consider them dead than. I left him standing there as i prepared to go out..

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