Yongie scared...

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Something Taeyong hated was thunder. Even though he wasn't a little, it still freaked him out. It mostly because of a traumatizing event. When he was younger around 6 or 7, his siblings and cousins dared him to stay outside while it poured and thundered, as well as heavy lighting. Ever since then he's been traumatized by it. He thought that people might think it's silly since he's a grown man now but he was really scared of it.

Yuta on the other hand thought it was absolutely adorable. It was nice to comfort his boyfriend for once, big or little. He really enjoyed it. Yuta was also scared of thunder a bit(but who isn't)when he was little but not as much as Taeyong. But it made him feel better since he got to cuddle Taeyong.

Yuta and Taeyong were in Yuta's play room. They were playing with a bunch of blocks building cities. Taeyong glanced outside and saw that it started to rain. His stomach turned a bit. He wasn't sure if would start to thunder, even worse if there was lighting outside. He tried to shake it off and continued to play with Yuta.

After a few minutes they decide to head downstairs to the living room and watch a movie. An hour in you could here soft thunder. It freaked him out a little but he tried to stay calm and hide it. Yuta noticed this and gave Taeyong a little paci kiss. He always know how to make his Yongie feel better.

It stopped for a bit . After the movie finished, Yuta crawled over to the basket he had in the living room. Pulling out a little bear starting play with it. Taeyong smiled at his boyfriend turning on the lamp so he could see better. Then the thunder came back softly.

Taeyong ignored it. Then all of sudden of loud clash of thunder came by. Taeyong flinched and yelped sinking into the couch. The little turned around smiling through his paci. He picked up an octopus and a blue soft blanket from the basket, and waddled towards Taeyong.

He held the comfort items out gesturing Taeyong to take them.

"O-octopus a-and bl-blankie make Yongie better! Wike Yuyu when he sad!" The little said hoping his boyfriend would take them. Taeyong smiled taking them clutching octopus and blanket.

"Yuyu make Yongie be better too!" The little said crawling onto the couch into Taeyong's lap giving him another paci kiss. Another clash of thunder went by and Taeyong flinched again. Which made Yuta hug Taeyong even harder.

Yuta thought for a minute, thinking of what else could make Taeyong feel better. He sat up when he had an idea. He slid off of Taeyong's lap and looked at him.

"I be back!" The little said as he ran off into the kitchen.

Taeyong chuckled, he never really new what Yuta would do.

Yuta thought of what made him feel better. Milk! Of course when he was a little he would drink out of a bottle or sippy cup. But Taeyong wasn't a little.

"Okay Yongie no wittle...so no wittle drink out of bowls? No....cups!" The little said to himself trying to be as quiet as possible. Taeyong did hear him talking but couldn't hear words.

The little opened the fridge getting the milk. Luckily it wasn't too heavy and grabbed it easily. The little when waddled towards the cabinets looking for a cup. He finally managed to get one pouring the milk inside. The little never did this before, well not while being a little of course, so he was confused. He tried best not spill any, he did pretty good, only spilling a few drops. Of course being the dramatic little he is, he let out a little "uh-oh" before cleaning it up quickly.

He put the milk back in the fridge thinking of what else he could give to Taeyong. Taeyong also liked grapes!

"Grapies? Yongie grapie!" The little said excitedly.

Now instead of putting grapes in a bowl Yuta took three grapes out. He put two in the milk and took one his hand. He ran excitedly towards the couch proud of his creation. Taeyong smiled at little.

"Grapie fow Yongie! And milky!" Yuta said as he shoved the grape in his hand into Taeyong's mouth. Taeyong giggled at the little cuteness before the little in his arms. Taeyong took the milk and started drink it, all until he felt something in his mouth. He bit down, unsure of what it was. He looked inside the cup to see a grape floating on the top. He furrowed his brows in confusion before laughing.

"Baby, did you put grapes in here?" Taeyong said still laughing. Yuta shyly smiled behind his paci, playing with the blanket that was in Taeyong's lap. He nodded his head. Taeyong continued to giggle as he drank the milk.

He set the glass on coffee table engulfing the little into a hug.

"Thank you baby. It was very nice of you."

"It make Yongie feel better?" Yuta said with doe eyes. Taeyong nodded giving Yuta a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes it did. Let's sleep now. Goodnight Yuyu. I love you." Taeyong said as he leaned his had back closing his eyes.

"Yuyu wove Yongie more!" The little said nuzzling his face in Taeyong's neck, the two falling asleep in each other's warmth.

Decided to change it up a bit. I see a lot of little one shots of the little being scared of the thunder but you never see the caregiver/boyfriend/girlfriend be scared of thunder so I changed it up a bit. I thought this would be a cute and silly one!

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