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Taeyong was in the kitchen washing the dishes from breakfast. While the little was in the living watching some cartoons on the floor while playing with his stuffies. Taeyong smiled widely at the adorable sight.

He had scheduled a play date with Doyoung. The little was very excited about the news which of course made Taeyong happy.

Taeyong dried off his hands and made his way towards the living room. He set himself on the couch, admiring the little in front of him. Yuta turned around and made grabby hands towards Taeyong, indicating he wanted to be held. The older chuckled bringing Yuta onto his lap. The little snuggled against chest, wanting to feel Taeyong's warmth.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until the little brought his head up to ask Taeyong a question.

"Y-yongie?..." Yuta said grabbing Taeyong's attention.

"Yes my baby?" Taeyong responded.

"Wen we weaving to Youngie house?" The little asksed, making Taeyong smile.

"Do you wanna leave right now baby?" The little nodded excitedly. Taeyong giggled at Yuta's cuteness before taking him upstairs into Yuta's playroom.

Yuta got out a little backpack, stuffing some toys and other little "necessities." After he was done he looked at Taeyong with doe puppy eyes.

"Yuyu done Yongie!" Yuta said as he smiled. Taeyong smiled back.

"Okay baby, did you want to take something else like-"

"No Yongie! Yuyu wan weave now! W-wets go nowwww!" Yuta whined as he interrupted Taeyong. He stood up and pulled Taeyong out the room, down the stairs and to the front door. Taeyong stopped which made the little whine.

"Yuyu, did you get your bottle?" Taeyong asked.

"Mhm! Yuyu have some at Youngie's house!"

"How about a paci? Blankie? Your stuffie?" Taeyong listed worriedly.

"Mhm! No can we goooo?" Yuta whined pulling Taeyong out the door. Some might say Taeyong was overreacting but he just wanted to make sure his baby was okay and not bored, especially being in such a deep headspace.

Taeyong put the little in the car, making sure he was secured and safe. He set the bag on the car floor where Yuta's feet were.

He went on the other side, and got in the car and started to drive towards Doyoung's house.

When they pulled up in front of Doyoung's house Yuta bounced in his seat.

"Youngie house!" Yuta said as he pointed to the house. Taeyong smiled he put the car in park and turned off the car. He got out and went to the little's side of the car, and opened his door.

The little got out happily and ran to the doorstep. He knocked lightly and smiled as he waited for his band mate to open the door.

The door opened revealing Doyoung, who instantly smiled.

"Youngie! Yuyu hewe! Yuyu weally excited to see you!" Yuta said as he threw himself into Doyoung's arms.

"Me too buddy. Come on let's go inside." Doyoung said he picked up Yuta and set him on his hip to bring him inside. Taeyong followed inside. He felt a little sad that he was being ignored by one of his best friends and boyfriend. Doyoung set Yuta on the couch as Taeyong set Yuta's backpack next to Yuta.

"Oh hey Taeyong." Doyoung said scratching the back of his neck. Taeyong smiled.

"I actually have to run some errands so if you can just watch him for a little while. I'll be back around 7:30." Taeyong said as he looked down at his watch as it said 3:11.

My little Yuta~|Yutae Oneshots(TYYT)Where stories live. Discover now