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To say Yuta liked amusement parks was an understatement, he LOVED them. He usually wasn't scared of any rides, here and there they frightened him a little but not to the point were he was terrified.

Since 127 was currently taking a few months to rest, Taeyong decided to take Yuta to an amusement park, with Jaehyun tagging along which took a lot of begging from Yuta.

"Jaehyun please! I promise it will be fun." Yuta begged Jaehyun with his most convincing puppy eyes, as they are currently in front of the SM building. The younger sighed while nodding. He knew Yuta wouldn't stop anytime soon so might as well give in.

"Okay fine, as long as you promise I won't third wheel." The older nodded, giving his brightest smile, taking Jaehyun's wrist to pull him into his manager's car. Jaehyun was surprised to see Taeyong already inside the car.

"So you two already planned this?!" Jaehyun said trying to hide his smile, but failed. Yuta nodded proudly. Jaehyun shook his head in fake disappointment with himself. Yuta hugged Jaehyun's arm and said once again, "You're going to have fun. I promise."

Their manager parked in front of the entrance, them going through VIP because they're NCT. They went through check in, finally arriving inside the park.

Taeyong looked at the map thinking of what they should do first. "Okay we should probably go-"

"Over there!" Yuta pointed to roller coaster, Jaehyun's and Taeyong's eyes looking the direction Yuta pointed.

"Look at the line. It's too long. Let's go on a different ride." Jaehyun said trying to make up an excuse not to go on the roller coaster. Yuta and Taeyong looked at Jaehyun in confusion. Yuta took the badge that Jaehyun was wearing around his neck that clearly said "VIP" on it, showing it to Jaehyun.

"Nice try. Now let's go!" Yuta said getting ready to run but gets held back when someone holds his wrist. He turns around to face a slightly serious Taeyong.

"Don't run off like that. We don't need you getting lost okay?" Yuta nodded. "That goes for you too Jaehyun." Taeyong said in a leader like voice, making Jaehyun smile.

"Okay now we can go. But WALK this time." Taeyong said emphasizing the word walk.

After they got off the ride Taeyong and Yuta were laughing at the way Jaehyun looked. Jaehyun looked like he had gotten traumatized, holding his stomach, walking crossed legged.

"Never going on that ride EVER AGAIN." Jaehyun said out of breath. Taeyong and Yuta laughed even harder.

"Come on you couldn't handle a few little drops?" Taeyong said in between his laughs.

"Those weren't little drops! They were huge. We could've died!" Jaehyun said slightly yelling.

"Jaehyun. there is little kids in line, and there was kids on the ride." Yuta said trying to control his laughter. As if it was on cue there was a could who looked about 7 or 8 years old, that came out of the exit of the ride they just went on, who looked completely fine. Jaehyun cleared his throat changing his expression.

"Oh well um yeah. I was just joking anyway. Anyways can we go now?" Jaehyun said trying to avoid eye contact with Taeyong and Yuta.

"Let's go in there!" Yuta pointed to a little gift shop. The three of them started walking toward the shop while Jaehyun still had his legs wobbly. Yuta looked back at Jaehyun with a confused face, which quickly turned into a smile.

"I'm fine." Jaehyun mumbled trying to act cool. Yuta just chuckled giving Jaehyun a little push.

They spent about 10 minutes in the gift shop messing around and debating on what to get. They all ended up getting matching keychains and matching hats which had a giraffe on it, which they all put on immediately after the hats were bought.

My little Yuta~|Yutae Oneshots(TYYT)Where stories live. Discover now