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If anyone were to ask Taeyong how good of a little Yuta was he would say, almost perfect. Of course he had his moments but they were never bad enough to the point the little needed a punishment.

Punishments were super rare for the little, actually he has never had a punishment. Now if Taeyong were to give Yuta a punishment it wouldn't be something extreme, more of a punishment you would give a kid. Time out, silent treatment, no ice cream, no going outside, no playing with toys, or his favorite stuffie taken away.

Spankings were a hard no for Taeyong. If he wouldn't put his hand on Yuta when he was big, why would he do it when he was a little? In the end, it would hurt Taeyong more than it hurt Yuta. He would never want to lose the trust between him and the little, and it have an effect on their relationship and Yuta being a little in front of Taeyong. Also, they didn't have a relationship like that.

All 9 of members of 127 were currently in the practice room, practicing their choreography. All of them were tired needless to say, but Yuta wasn't only feeling tired but very little.

While dancing, he would trip over his feet and eventually he got frustrated with himself, leading him to become fussy and bratty.

Half way through the song, Yuta finally had enough and plopped himself on the floor, crossing his arms and pouting. All the members noticed this giving the little a confused look. Taeyong finally noticed this and went turn off the music. He kneeled in front of Yuta before speaking.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" Taeyong asked as he put a hand to Yuta's forehead. He seemed completely fine to Taeyong.

"Y-Yuyu feeling wittle and no wan' do d-dance anymore!" Yuta whined. Taeyong exchanged looks with the members.

"Baby can you please hold it? Just one more time and we can go home okay?" The little didn't like the sound of that and started to whine.

"I know Yuyu is tired but we all are, just one more time." Taeyong sighed. Tears started to well up in the littles eyes.

"B-but Yuyu wan' go home now!" Yuta cried. Jungwoo kneeled down next to Taeyong.

"If Yuyu does the dance one more time, Woo will buy Yuyu ice cream okay?" Jungwoo said, attempting to help Taeyong out. The little shook his head.

"Yuyu no wan ice cweam! Yuyu wan' go home!" Yuta cried again, as he start to kick his feet up, accidentally kicking Jungwoo. Taeyong saw and immediately went into strict caregiver mode.

"Yuyu that was not very nice of you. Apologize to Woo now." Taeyong said a little stern. The little continued to cry loudly. The members felt helpless in this situation, they've never really experienced bratty Yuyu so they didn't know what to do. Doyoung helplessly went to hug Yuta to try to calm Yuta down. The little didn't want to be touched at the moment so he pushed Doyoung away, making Doyoung fall flat on his back. Taeyong did not like the way little was acting but he wasn't at his last straw yet.

"Yuta." Taeyong said very sternly. Which didn't seem to be helpful as the little continued to cry.

Mark decided that maybe the little would listen to him. Mark went over in front of Yuta. He put his hand for Yuta took take but got a slap on the hand in return. Now that was Taeyong's last and final straw.

He stood up making the little look up for moment and then continued to cry. He picked up the little and he made his way out the building.

He put the little in the car and turned to go to his the driver's seat of the car to see Johnny standing behind him.

"Don't go to hard on him Tae. He's tired and frustrated, it's not his fault." Johnny said. Taeyong shook his head.

"I'm not. Im sorry for today, tell the members that practice is over for the night and not to worry." Taeyong said as Johnny nodded and made his way back inside the building.

When Taeyong got inside the car, the little stopped crying but still had a pout on his face. Taeyong started the car and started to drive.

"W-we go home?" The little asked innocently. Taeyong didn't answer the little, turning up the radio slightly. The little was surprised to say the least.

Once they got into the driveway Taeyong parked the car, getting out to go to the little's side. He opened the door, still not uttering a single word to the little.

Yuta slowly got out the car Taeyong took the little's hand pulling him to the door. He opened the door, still holding Yuta's hand.

He pulled the little inside, upstairs, into his playroom. He brought him to a corner and pointed there.

"Sit." Taeyong said sternly. Yuta slowly let go of Taeyong's hand and sat in the corner, with a tiny pout on his face.

"Sit there for 10 minutes. Do not move and no playing." Taeyong said as he left the room.

Tears started to well up in the little's eyes. Was he that bad? Was Yongie mad? Did Yongie not love him anymore? He started to cry even more while he hugged himself.

Taeyong was in the shared bedroom and could hear the little's cries. He started to feel bad but he shook it off. He can't let Yuta get his way every time when he was a little.

10 minutes passed and Taeyong went to go check on Yuta. The little was still crying. Taeyong went over to the little and sat in front of him. He brought the little into his lap and combed his hair with his finger. The little eventually calmed down and stopped crying.

"Do you know why you were put into time out?" Taeyong asked gently.

"C-cause Y-yuyu be b-bad?" Yuta said. Taeyong wiped Yuta's tears with his finger and nodded.

"Yes, also because you kicked Woo, pushed Youngie, and hit Markie." Taeyong said. Yuta looked down feeling guilty.

"Tomorrow we can go apologize and apologize to the rest of the members for the way you were acting okay?" Yuta nodded.

"C-can Yongie read to Yuyu?" Taeyong smiled and nodded as the little up and went to go pick a book. He gave it Taeyong as climbed back onto his lap.

That might not have been the last time Yuta acted up, but Taeyong made it would be the last time Yuta physically hurt his members.

A/N: I honestly think that there needs to be more bratty Yuta in the little Yuta world but there's not. Anyways hoped you guys enjoyed! If you have any more story ideas pls lmk! I'm slowly running out 🥲

Requests are open!!

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