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This was requested by Magiuneration - I don't think there's enough of The Who so here we go. I hope you like it! 💕

"Keep them closed." Pete spoke softly as he covered your eyes with his hands.
He had told you there was a surprise that he had set up especially for you, you were excited but apprehensive as he wouldn't give you any hints as to what it may be. He was always spoiling you, you tried to convince him not too as you already had many marvellous gifts and presents that he had given to you but he wouldn't have any of it, he'd always wave you off and say something along the lines of, "It's because I love you."
You'd roll your eyes in response to his behaviour, but deep down Pete meant everything to you. He was everything you could have ever asked for.

"Watch your step here, just step down." He spoke again, leading you ever so carefully down what felt like some steps. "That's it." He then suddenly stopped and removed his hands from your eyes, instead wrapping them around your shoulders and resting his head on top of yours.
You gasped at what was set out in front of you. You quickly spun around and looked at Pete who was smiling madly down at you, "Do you like it?" He asked looking down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes.
"Love it?" You gasped out, looking back between him and what he had bought you this time.

A manor.

In front of you there was a Manor House that looked to be from the Jacobean period. It was situated in the middle of the countryside where the sun shone down upon the fields and flowers, almost giving it an ethereal look. The bright colours splashed out in front of you, it was like a scene you would find in a painting.
In front of the manor, there was two slabs of grass at either side of the property and in between them, there was a beautiful water fountain that oozed with the clearest water. With the sun reflecting off it, it looked like something you'd only see in movies or read in books. But this was real. And it was yours and Pete's.
"Welcome to your new home, Y/N." Pete smiled, grabbing your hand and placing the key in it. "Why don't you take a look around?" He suggested as a wide smile spread across your face. You grabbed his hand and ran down along the long path up towards the house.

On your way up to the house you passed the water fountain, and couldn't hold in the urge to splash just a little bit of water at Pete. He looked offended but quickly started laughing and immediately ran up to you and tossed you over his shoulder.
"Pete!" You gasped. "Put me down!!" You tried hitting his back, but it was no good because he wasn't going to let you down. He ran all the way to the front doors of the manor with you over his shoulder, he placed you down carefully as though you were made from the finest china. "Are you ready to see inside?" He gestures towards the doors while he was to trying to regain his breath.
All you could do was nod, you were already in awe of how it looked outside, so what would it be like inside?
You placed the key inside the lock and unlocked the door, you took the key out and handed it back to Pete so you didn't lose it. He opened the door for you and let you inside first, him only a couple of feet behind.
"Well?" He asked, he was a it nervous as he needed it to be perfect for the both of you.
"It's beautiful." You spoke up, utterly mesmerised by the sight before you.

You once again turned around towards Pete, placing your hands on each side of his torso, he reciprocated your actions by placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Pete," you stuttered, "I've got something I need to tell you.." his face fell and he began to panic, "You don't like it do you? It's too much isn't it?" You shook your head, "No, no, Pete, I love this place, it's beautiful. You chose good!" You flashed him a bright smile, which he returned. "But there's something I've been keeping from you," you looked up into his eyes, making sure you had his attention. "And not because I wanted to keep it from you, just because I didn't know how to tell you." Pete searched your face to try and figure what it was you had been keeping from him, but your face was unreadable. He couldn't seem to work you out.
"What is it? You know you can tell me." He tried to urge you on, but not too harshly as he wanted to make sure you were comfortable telling him.
You sighed and released a shaky breath, "Oh god, please don't be mad." You whispered more to yourself, but he heard. "Pete, I-I'm pregnant." You looked up to see a wide smile spread across his face. "This is amazing! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked, wrapping you up into a warm hug.
"I was scared." You let out a hearty laugh, burying yourself into his chest.

It wasn't long before Pete soon broke the silence that you had both suddenly fallen into. "You know," he pulled away, "It's just as we'll we're going to have a mini Townshend running around." You gave him a skeptic look, "Oh yeah? And why's that?" He gave you a wide grin, scratching the back of his neck, "Well, I may have bought a rocking horse from the antique shop down the road, that was going to be my attempt at convincing you to have a baby with me." You giggled to yourself at his antics. "Oh Pete, I guess I saved you the job!" He laughed along with you.

"Let me show this!" He said excitedly, dragging you down the long corridor and out onto the patio in the back garden.
"There's enough land here to create anything we've ever wanted." He spoke softly to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and placing a kiss on your head.
"We've already got what we need, Pete." You smiled, looking out across the acres of land that Pete had bought along with the house.
"We've got our own family." You spun around and placed a kiss to his lips.
"I love you, Pete." You looked up at him, entranced by the way he looked when the sunlight shone brightly, highlighting all of his features.
"I love you more, Y/N." You both placed your foreheads together. "Thank you for giving me the greatest gift I could've asked for; my own family." You both shared another kiss before sitting yourselves down on the steps just outside the patio doors.

And for the rest of the evening, you and Pete would sit and watch the sunset, wrapped up in each other's arms. Happy and content with each other. A new chapter of your lives was about to begin, and you both couldn't be happier.


Should I write a part 2?? I hope you liked it and requests are still open.

I'm currently writing a request for Keith Moon, but I'm still open for more so don't be afraid to ask!

Also, may I just add, the opening vocals to 'The Song is Over' just gets me every time 🥺

I'd also like to add, that if there is any spelling mistakes then I apologise, but don't be afraid to let me know as I'd rather have everything spelt correctly aha 💕

Thank you for reading!
Lots of love,
Willow 🌊

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