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This was request by justlikepagliaccis I love writing for Keith so I hope I can do this justice.
I hope you like it! 💕

You had been friends with John for years, since you were in school together. Every weekend you would be out at the park, walking around and talking about what ever popped into your heads. John was quiet but he listened to you when you needed someone to talk to, he also gave you some of the best advice you had ever been given. He had always been like the older brother you never had.
Once he had joined The Who, he made sure to introduce you to all the members. When he introduced you to them, he made sure they knew you were his best friend. You practically went everywhere together, whenever he wasn't busy.
You got on well with Roger, you both could have a good laugh together and you had soon made friends with him. You and Pete got on, but you hardly ever seen him or got chance to speak to him. And Keith. You weren't sure what to make of him, something about him drew you in, and you wanted to know more but something stopped you. You had decided that if he wanted to speak to you, then he would make the first move. He would give you small smiles every now and then, but he never held a conversation with you.

You were now sat backstage in between John and Keith. Roger had gone off with Heather and Pete was sat writing The Who's next big hit. John was sitting quietly while you were sat looking down at your drink. You were bored as you had no one to speak to, that was until Keith nudged your side.
He leant in and whispered into your ear, "Do you wanna have some fun?" He grinned cheekily as you smirked back and nodded quickly. You needed some entertainment as everything seemed to have got quite boring.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room, giving you hardly any time at all to realise what was happening.
"I've got some cherry bombs." He stated proudly, still holding your hand and leading you into the room where he had his cherry bombs stashed away. "And what do you plan to do with those?" You asked with a smirk tugging at your lips.
"We're gonna cause trouble!" He walked into the room and over to the bag where he kept them. He took some out and handed them to you before taking some for himself. "Are you in?" He asked, looking at you with puppy eyes. "Alright, why not." You shrugged, following behind him out of the room again.

"Where are we going?" You asked curiously, turning around every other corner. At this rate, you would be dizzy by the time you reached where he was taking you.
"We're going to the toilets." He stated simply. It was clear he had done this before and knew exactly what he was doing. You were just glad you had some company. You both continued the walk in silence until you reached the bathroom. He helped you to put the cherry bombs in the correct place and then ran with you as the toilets blew up behind you. You both ended up sprawled out on the floor, your arms wrapped around each other.

"Why did you want to teach me to do that?" You suddenly found yourself asking the man laying next to you. He shrugged, "I just wanted to impress you." He sat up and looked down at his hands in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your face into his side. "I had fun. Thank you." You looked up at him and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek before looking back at the floor. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "I like you, Y/N." He spoke up, suddenly finding confidence within himself.
"What, because I blew up toilets with you?!" You spoke louder as he tried to shush you. "No! I really do like you." You smiled to yourself. You secretly liked him too, but you were too scared to make the first move. You laid down and rested your head in his lap. He ran his fingers through your hair and looked down lovingly at you while you played with the many rings on your fingers.

The moment, however, was interrupted as John and Pete appeared from around the corner.
"And what have you two been up to?" John asked, crossing his arms and leading against the wall, Pete doing the same.
"We just blew up the toilets. No biggie." You shrugged before ending up in a fit of laughter along with Keith.
Both John and Pete stood with smiles on their faces, shaking their heads. They knew that you and Keith would get together at some point, they just didn't think it would be by blowing up bathrooms.
They soon walked off and left you to it.
"When can we cause more trouble, Moonie?" You looked up at him with puppy eyes, exactly what Keith had done to you earlier. You didn't think you would enjoy blowing things up and causing trouble as much as you did. But you thoroughly enjoyed it, much to your surprise. Especially when you got to do it with Keith.
"I don't see why we would have to wait." He trailed off before smiling and looking down at you, a wild look on his mischievous face. "What about going back to the hotel?" You smiled widely up at him, jumping up and grabbing his hand, running down the corridor and out of the doors. You both stopped outside, Keith spun you around and placed a kiss to your forehead. "Ready?" You grinned and nodded. "Let's do it."

It wasn't long before you both got back to the hotel, walking in hand in hand. Keith got the room key and took you up to his room. You sat on the bed as you waited for Keith to come up with something else you could do.
He suddenly turned to you, "Have you ever seen what your favourite tv show looks like underwater?" You let out a small giggle before shaking your head, "Funnily enough, no." He started to plug in an extension reel. "Would you like to?" You smiled and nodded, standing up to help him.
"Why not. What should I do?" He pointed towards the plug in the tv and told you to plug into the extension. You did as he said and he did the rest.
"Help me carry it over to that window ledge." You grabbed the other side of the tv and took it over to the window ledge, Keith then took over. He turned the tv on, and when you both had agreed on the channel - the tv was the thrown out of the window and into the swimming pool below.
You watched as it hit the surface and water and sparks flew everywhere. You and Keith stood giggling, his arm firmly wrapped around you.
"So," he breathed out, trying to compose himself but failed to do so. "Have I impressed you yet?" You looked at him and for the first time, you felt what it was like to feel adoration for someone. You slowly leaned in as he did the same, you both shared a passionate kiss before pulling away and bumping your noses together. "You have. You've got me completely mesmerised." You whispered as a smirk crossed his face.
"Good, because you're the only one who I ever want to do any of this with." He gestured around him as you rested your head against his chest; he pulled you closer.
"You're the best, Moonie." You felt him smile against your neck. "You bring out the best in me, Y/N." He kissed your temple, and in that moment you knew you had all you needed.
You thought that his antics would have dissipated by now, and he would enjoy the night with you, but his mind was elsewhere.

"Now then, where did I put those other cherry bombs?"


I loved writing this one! Thank you for requesting a Keith Moon imagine, it really was a lot of fun to write.
I hope you liked it, and don't forget that requests are still open so feel free to request some more.

Lots of love,
Willow 🥺💙

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