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It was hard to believe that half of the year had already passed, the atmosphere kept getting tenser and tenser with every second.

It was obvious something was wrong with the one happy girl who had a smile on her face all the time harden smiled even once since the beginning of this year.

And the once happy boy who had always stood by her was so mad at her that he even refused to look her way.

It was odd this way, till last year people could see the two of them all happy, kissing each other in stolen moments, glad that they finally started going out, happy that the other felt the same.

And now?

Let's just say that Lyra Riddle was an absolute nightmare, straight out of the darkest corner of your mind, a rude, obnoxious, person who believed that she was better than everyone.

And Calum Lupin Black was torn, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley had always warned him that he'll get his heart broken if he befriended Lyra. He really wished he had listened to them then.

But who could blame him?

The Lyra he met when he was eleven was this sweet innocent little girl who had stolen his heart without meaning too, she was this pure soul who could do nothing wrong, and she remained like this till her fourth year.

Then what changed?

Simple her father came back, why would she need to pretend to be the sweet and kind girl now?
She could show her true self and the evil maniac in her.

Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley still didn't believe Lyra was acting like an eviler version of Lucius Malfoy because she wanted to, the moment they had seen her on the train, they knew something war wrong.

She would instead give up her chocolate than call them a Mud-blood, and a blood trader, kill herself before they make Calum cry, die rather than believe that Pure-bloods were superior to all.
Die before they even think about joining Tom Riddle.

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