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Currently Lyra Riddle well Potter was asleep in the hospital wing, surrounded by some professors, Draco Malfoy, and his mother, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Sirius, Remus, and Calum

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Currently Lyra Riddle well Potter was asleep in the hospital wing, surrounded by some professors, Draco Malfoy, and his mother, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Sirius, Remus, and Calum.

There was a yelling match at Hogwarts which included Calum black storming off to the Hospital Wing to see how Lyra was doing after he hexed The Headmaster.

Soon he was joined by everyone else.

Poppy had checked Lyra up, she was just weak from exhaustion, from trying to fight off the Curse off of her no doubt every day.
And that she should wake up soon.

Draco had refused to move from her side, and nearly strangled Calum when she tried to hold the sleeping girl's hand.

"She's my sister," Harry repeated for what was like a thousand time.

"No. She's mine your just the annoying brat who bullied her every day." Growled Draco.

"Draco." Mrs. Malfoy said in a small warning tone.

"It's true! He called her a freak, and blamed her for what happened to his parents!" Said Calum biting his lip nervously.

"Harry!" Yelled both Sirius and Remus at the same as Harry flinched, the guilt was eating him alive.

"I'm sorry! Ok. I didn't know she was my sister!"

"That doesn't mean that you call her a freak and bully her!" Scolded Remus.

Harry didn't reply, truth be told he never wanted to hurt her but the fact that he thought that she was just like her father and that he was blinded by rage, she just lashed out at the closest person he could think of which was her.

"I know. I-I'm sorry."

"Apologies to her when she wakes up. Not us." Said, Sirius.

Lyra shifted in her sleep and mumbled something under her breath, before shooting up in a pure panic, and she looked around frantically.

"Hey hey hey. Listen to me you're alright. Ok. You're fine." Said Draco grabbing her softly by the shoulder, she breathed heavily and flung her arms around him soft sobs escaping her mouth.

Draco held her as she cried.

"You're alright."

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault." Narcissa Malfoy whispered softly.

When she finally stopped crying, and looks up at everyone else, "hey." She mumbled softly.

Hermione and Ginny flung their arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"I knew it." Said Ginny, "we'll not the whole thing but we knew something was off." Said Hermione.

Lyra smiled at them.

Her eyes landed on all of them.

"I'm sorry for everything I said."

"That was Luci the wanna-be Barbie talking, not you." Said Sirius, the girl smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry for elbowing you."
"Never mind that reminded me of Lily."

Harry coughed, trying to catch her attention.
"You want cough drops Potter?" She mocked him.

"No I mean I just want to apologize."

"Fuck off."

"Language." Said, Poppy.

"English." Both Lyra and Calum said at the same time, the two turned and look at each other,

"Hey, peasant."
"Hello, your Royal Crankiness."

"We'll just leave you two alone. Said Hermione, as she and Ginny started pushing people towards the door.

"What? No!"

"3 inches distance!" Yelled Sirius.

"Calum don't you dare touch her!" Yelled Draco

"PG 13 please."

"We'll come back in 10 minutes!"

Soon it was just the two of them.

"I'm sorry." They both say at the same time.

They looked at each other.

"I have been a complete bitch, and I deserve to die alone in a ditch." Said Lyra.

"No, you tried to tell me but I didn't listen, I didn't understand."

"I should have told you that I was a Potter, not a Riddle the second I found out."

"When was that."

"End of the second year."

"You should have."

"I'm sorry for what I called you, for what I said about your mother."

"You didn't mean it."

"I made you cry."

"Only because it came in front of you."

The girl took a shaky breath and "can- can I hug you?"

He nodded his head furiously.

She smiled and threw her arms around him and pulled him closer.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you more."

"You know you can go to sleep now, they're going to start watching the movies tomorrow, you know give everyone time to settle in the fact that you're."

"A Potter?"

"A Potter."

He looked at her, in that moment he just wanted to do nothing but kiss her, he had missed her so much, he had refused to believe that she would hurt him on purpose, but he had and he wanted to do nothing more than hit himself again and again and again till he, knew he would leave scars.

So he did, he did kiss her.

Grabbed her face softly and pulled her in for a kiss

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Grabbed her face softly and pulled her in for a kiss.

Lyra kissed back equally desperate, she should have fought harder, she never meant to make him cry, to hurt anyone really, but she had.

They broke apart, and she leaned into his touch, "can you stay with me tonight, I - I don't want to be alone."

"I'll stay with you forever." He whispered and kissed her gently on the forehead and she smiled, the two fell asleep soon after wrapped in each other's arms.

Sirius and Remus wanted to do nothing more than drag Calum away from, Lyra but the look on McGonagall's face told them that if they even came near them they would be in trouble.
Big trouble.

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