In which the Wizards and Witches find out about the Dark Lords daughter or should I say The Potters missing daughter, twin of the Boy who lived.
When a letter and 8 movies appear during Harry Potters fifth year, showing the truth about every single...
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Silence filled the hall, everyone grabbed their wand ready to defend as well as attack.
Then the great hall doors opened.
The Minister. Amelia Bones Mad-Eye Moody Kingsley The Weasley The Malfoys Remus Lupin Sirius Black The Tonks Some Aurors And a couple more people walked in.
Lyra looked bored out of her mind and sneared at most of them, filthy half-bloods, blood traders, and half-breeds.
"Dad! Papa!" Yelled Calum and ran forward to hug the two men, "Cal!" Said Sirius hugging his son tightly, and Remus ruffled his hair.
"Sirius! Remus" yelled Potter.
'Fight it.' 'Act like a pure-blood daughter of the dark lord.' 'Fight it!' 'Act like a pure-blood daughter of the dark lord.'
Lyra staggered back slightly breathing heavily, as her head hurt.
Draco looked at the girl he considered a sister guilt eating him alive, his eyes flickered to his father who was glaring at everyone.
"What is the meaning of this!" Yelled Lord Malfoy "why have we been summoned here!"
"Maybe it's a publicity stunt." Mocked Lyra looking at Dumbledore, "what else do you want grandpa?"
"Why don't you shut up!" Yelled Calum, as Sirius and Remus exchanged worried looks.
'Fight it!' 'Act like a pure-blood daughter of the dark lord!'
"I very clearly remember telling you to not talk to me you filthy halfbreed then why are you talking to me."
Calum shook with rage, he was ready to yell at her, and pull out his wand, but his heart still clenched, why? Why? Why? That's all he wanted to know. Why was she doing this? Had their love and friendship meant nothing to her? Had it all been an act?
"Riddle no one cares about what you think!" Yelled Harry Potter. He along with Ron had told Calum countless times to not trust her. But he hadn't listened. Now, look.
"Clearly he still does." Lyra mocked a smirk on her face nodding towards Calum. Who didn't reply proving her point.
Just then a letter formed with magic and floated towards Professor McGonagall, who grab it and looked at everyone. Then opened it.