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Their Story

Let's get straight into their story...
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"Anne.. Anne.. I want a girlfriend.. Or at least a barbie doll.. Please anne.."
Little CAN who was only 3 requested his Anne for a Girlfriend or at least to give him a barbie doll.
"Ha ha.. Girlfriend CAN. Where you got this girlfriend stuff?"

"I saw it in sandokan he has girlfriend. Then why not me.."
Can pouts.
"Can dear, come over here to aunty"
Mevkibe who was about to delivery in 1 month called Can to her.
"Aunty.. Ask Anne for giving me a girlfriend. Or at least a barbie doll"

"oh my Can. I will give you a girlfriend. Who will look like a barbie doll. Is it OK with you"

"Really.. Will you!!!.. I am so happy. When I will get her. Where is she.."
Can squeeze Mevkibe's hand in joy.
"you have to wait at least one month for her come."

"why? Where is she now"
"come give your hand. She is here. She has to come out first. So you have to wait"
Mevkibe puts Can's hand on her belly.
"Here.. Will she accept to be my girlfriend.... What will we call her. Will she allow me to marry her"

Can asks too many questions.
Mevkibe and Mihriban laughs at his questions.
"yes Can. Of course she will accept you. And will marry you when you both get old enough.
And name.. What name do you like to call her.."
Can thinks for a while.

" I want to call her my barbie doll. But it can't be a name."
"then, what will be the name.."

"Sanem.. Yes Sanem.. I would like to name her Sanem. She will be very beautiful right aunty.."

"yes dear she will. Sanem. I like that name. Then she is yours from today. You have to take care of her. Don't hurt her. You will love her. Right CAN"

"Of course I will love her. I can't wait now.. I have a girlfriend.. Baba.. Uncle i got a girlfriend.. Whoo.. I am so happy now. Thank you aunty... I love you.."

Can give a kiss to Mevkibe and hugs his mom, dad, and nihat uncle.
"then go.. Get ready to meet your girlfriend." Aziz said with happiness.

"Thank you sister. For making him happy"
"Anyway our daughter will be his from today. She has to be in future anyway. Right Nihat dear.."

"yes my love. CAN will love her & take care of her. It's sure.Do you have any objects in this matter Aziz and sister"

"no abii.. There is nothing like that. I also wished that one day my CAN and our coming Sanem get married. You did just right. He is very happy for getting a girlfriend. I am sure he will take care of her. And will love her beyond anything."

"yes.. My love. He will for sure."

" then we can wait for his little girlfriend to come."
Mevkibe says with unbounded happiness...

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I wish you may like this chapter...

Now we can wait for his girlfriend to born..

C u soon

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