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As you all know they had their first kiss. ☺️
It was very cute.
Now we can get to our story back. Thanks a lot for your patience. I love you guys...


Day after Can's bday. Both went to school as usual. Except a fact that they both were blushing. ☺️. Both didn't talk each other, just looked into eyes.
Someone was watching them intendily, it was Ayhan and Metin. They both took mental note to question their friends later.
Bus reached school. Sani & Can walk to sanem's class. Reached in front of the door. Can was not letting her go.

"Can we are here. You have to go-to your class."
"mmm yeah... But"
He bend down and kissed on her lips.😘 Just a slight one. But Sani blushed to crimson red. He tucked loose hair behind her ear. Before he raised his head she kissed him at edge of his lips. Then ran into her class.

Can smiled like a fool and went to his class. There Metin & Akif was waiting for him to come.
"what's it friend. You looks like a fool. Something is fishy. Come on spill it"

Can looked them. "nothing. What you talking about"
"hey we know something had happened. Don't try to fool us"
"OK ok I will say. We had our first kiss last night"
"ooooooo" both Metin & Akif squealed. "kiss... Omg.."

"yes we kissed. Now don't make any more scenes."
They laughed. And patted Can on his shoulder. "fine we won't do anything"

At the same time Sani's class.
Ayhan was waiting for her.
"Saniii... You are blushing. Tell me why"
Sanii pretend like not hearing.
"oh you are playing. OK I won't talk to you anymore" Ayhan fake a pout.

"sorry, I didn't mean it ayhuuuu"
"then tell me"
"we had our first kiss yester night"

"yeaahhhh. You did it. I am so happy"

"don't squeal someone will hear"
"OK ok 🤐." Ayhan hug Saniii.

As usual they went out with Can & his friends. But no one said anything about their kiss. They kept their privacy. Although they teased Sanii&Can a little.

Years passed. But they never kissed in public although the whole school knew that they are together. No one dared to interfere their privacy. Because they were friendly to every one.
Now Can is in plus one. Sanem was in 9th standard. They were in the same school with same gang.
A new twin sisters entered to their school.

As you all suspect it is Polen & Ceyda. This Polen is very stubborn. But Ceyda actually she  was calm in nature but creepy too. But she was a book worm. They both were in Can's class.
You can guess what will happen.
Whole the other days were calm. Everything went well. As usual Can left Sanii in her class. He looks very handsome. Every girl's dream. But all girls in school knows about him & Sanii. So everyone was just friends for him.
This was the day the twins came to their school. Very first impression of them to all is very bad. No one liked them.
Can was rushing to office from classroom. He knocked Polen, but caught her hands so she didn't fall down. "Sorry, I was in rush. So I didn't see you. You OK."
Polen didn't said anything. Kept just looking him. "I have to go see you then. Take care". He ran off. But not even for a second he didn't look at her.

She was in daze. As per they were new. Everyone came to meet them.
"who is that handsome?". Asked to the first person she met.
"that's Can. He is our classmate".
*he will be my boyfriend then*she thought.
"but no one can get him. He is already engaged."  As per knowing her thought Gamze said.
"oh.. With whom."
"With Sanem. They are the best and cute lovely couple in our school"

"is she in our class!" qshe asked irritated.
"no no. She is only in 9th standard. Not in ours. She is very kind and friendly."
"9th, that's funny. I will have a chance then"

"I would like to warn you. Don't ever try to mess up. You will not survive or succeed."
"you just watch. You don't know me"
Gamze felt sorry for her, what will happen to her when Sanem gets to know this.

Thank you guys for giving me time. Next chapter will come in 1/2 days.
I hope you like this.
Have a nice day

Love you all

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