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Can caught full attention of everyone gathered there. He was very happy. His milk tooth smile melted everyone. He didn't leave Sanem for a second. Always stood near her cradle.
Everyone asked him same question, he answered the same answer😅
" Is this your little sister?"
" No this is my girlfriend ❤️".
"then where is her ring" all asked playfully.
He became exhausted.
" Dad... Give me the ring. Everyone making fun of me..."
His parents & uncle, aunt fell into laughter. He gave the ring to CAN. Can ran to her side.
He took her little hand gently.
" Oh my cutie girlfriend. I will love you for whole my life. And sure I will marry you one day. Give my whole heart to you to take care of. And surely you will be my barbie doll. I love you... Will you be my girlfriend for rest of my life..."

Sanem squealed at him. Showing her cute smile..
" Take it as yes dear.. "every others said in unison.
" yeah, sure... I love you looooooot barbie girl"
Can kissed on her both hands, cheeks, on top of her head and last on her lips. This time she held onto his ear smiling.
Everyone looked at them lovingly. 💕💕.
It was dated 26 th Feb....
They start a fairy tale love story their own. To be remembered by whole the world....

I hope you like this part.
We will get to know how they fell for each other in next parts..
C u soon..

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