9. The rhythm in which the heart beats

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Traditionally - material for mood and understanding:

1) BTS:







2) Gulf came to see Mew learn to play drums:


Then we went to lunch together:


3) Let me remind you that our Nong is deeply bogged down in the bargaining stage, so any reasons why he and Mew are only friends are welcomed with open arms.

4) First is actually Gulf's friend, with whom he auditioned for the role of Type, moreover, he auditioned for the role of Fiat (Tharn's rival in the second season)





5) The video that he threw off to a friend (of course, very long, but its meaning can be understood in a couple of minutes). Yes, Gulf has difficulties with English, but let's all together assume that I found a video with Thai subtitles 😊


I can't rank myself 100% in the ranks of the ARMY, but BTS is one of my favorite bands, whose music I enjoy listening to, and their videos are a delight to the eyes.

6) Yes, generally offtopic, but this awakening of Mew to hell breaks me with emotion



The scene with P'San was one of the tricky ones in the episode for Gulf, because he would need to portray his character's jealousy. He was practically not familiar with this unpleasant feeling, because his relationship with Poom had always been smooth without these roller coasters. Well, then, when he rushed to Mild for being too clingy to his Phi, it did not count, because it was jealousy towards a friend, his attention...

Although his interaction with this sometimes annoying Phi seemed to have improved, since they spent a lot of time in the same company, they often joked and teased each other. But so often he had a persistent desire to give a slap on the head not in rank, since Mild's hands in relation to Mew still dissolved quite freely. And he looked slyly at Nong 'well, what are you going to do to me?' And he would not do anything, because he treated his friend warmly, despite his annoyance. And, of course, he did not want to offend his main Phi, who had very tender feelings for his old comrade, therefore, in response, he only made a threateningly displeased face and turned on heavy artillery.

MewGulf The Series: 12 ep and specialWhere stories live. Discover now