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Maddie's POV
Soon I realized it was getting dark.
Right now Hannah is in her bedroom, Justice is asleep next to Blake on the floor in the living room, and Carl and I are getting ice-cream out of the fridge before we go to bed.
"I'm glad we're all still alive." I say, looking at Carl eating his chocolate ice-cream.
"Me too. Hopefully we keep it that way." He says before tossing his bowl in the sink and taking mine and putting it in the sink.
"Goodnight." I say, and hug him.
"Goodnight." he says and hugs back.
But what if it's not a good night? What if we wake up tomorrow and walkers are surrounding the house?
I lay down on the other side of the living room next to Carl and fall asleep quickly.
Justices POV
I woke up and look around. I almost forgot the apocalypse happened.
Maddie and Carl are asleep on the other side of the living room, and Blake is snoring next to me.
I try not to wake him up as I go into Hannah's room and shake her awake.
"Get up Hannah, let's go get breakfast." I say to her.
Hannah is Maddie's sister. They're almost identical! I always liked Hannah, I think she will survive this.
"Ok." Hannah gets up and smiles at me.
We walk down the wooden stairs and into the kitchen. It's strange that the electricity is still working!
I take out frozen waffles and put them into the toaster. That's pretty good considering it's the apocalypse.
Then, Maddie walks in the room.
"Goodmorning," she says and turns on the coffeemaker.
"So, what are we going to do today?" I ask.
"I say we try to get in contact with our parents. We could call them." Carl says, walking into the room and startling us.
"Yeah. But our phones won't work, the data and everything has been shut down." I say.
"What do we do, Carl?" Maddie says.
"I don't know, ok?!?! Everybody depends on me! I don't really care what we do! I'm not the leader! So just SHUTUP!" Carl yells back at Maddie and we all stare at him in disbelief.
He is insane. He just yelled at my best friend and he's not going to get away with it.

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