𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮

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-feel free to pop some headcanons u guys have for this dude if u want and i may add it to this chapter ^^-

-protective boy
-he may not be super affectionate in public, but he does hold your hand and hold you by the waist to let creepy guys know you're his
-gets jealous easily
-if someone is looking at you funny he won't hesitate to pop a cap in their ass
-carries his gun on him but if you're uncomfortable w/ that he'll keep it in his pocket so you don't have to see it
-arcade dates!
-he loves beating your ass in shooter games then buying you a stuffed animal to make it up to you
-calls you babe, baby, love, hun, sugar tits, sugar, sugar cube, all that romantic stuff <3
-doesn't matter what you identify as he's still calling you sugar tits
-takes you to assassination missions
-he'll be on his way to kick boyfriend's ass and you would be chillin to the radio bopping your head to the beat
-honestly i can see him having a massive sweet tooth and then like three cavities
-teaches you how to use an uzi and buys one for you
-he knows you're not weak, but he still worries for you
-doesn't like to talk about his past, don't bring it up
-you know he has schizophrenia, so when he's having a rough time you're there to comfort him
-eternally grateful for that
-he's nocturnal so he will wake you up if he's back home late and you're asleep
-"bitch, get up! i'm back"
-"it's 2 in the fuckin morning!"
-plans to marry you one day, he wasn't ever a marriage guy but then you came along
-loves seeing you in his clothes, his heart goes KSJDKSKSKKSKS when he sees you in his shirt
-he'll never admit it tho bc he's an asshole
-if you have any hyper fixations, special interests or passions, he'll let you ramble about it to him
-he may not completely understand but he's listening to every word
-late night conversations
-told you the entire fnaf lore one night
-"and it's canon that child's spirits can control the animatronics and even share a body, two dead children share the golden freddy suit. and then there's michael who has a whole endoskeleton inside of him"
-"what the fuck"
-is mean to everybody but is a little less mean to you
-you make him food whenever he comes home and he's tired as hell
-"welcome home, i made you a sandwich"
-"marry me."
-he means best and he loves you


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