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-wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg StEp-PiCo-
-pico x fem!reader except i got this straight from a porno i watched once-
-cw! degradation, seggs, spanking, slight voyeurism-


"Ow! Holy hell that hurts!"

You hissed as you felt the pain in your back seep in. The wooden frame of the window sill hit your middle back harshly, it's weight almost crushing you. The glass pane quivered for a moment before staying still, causing you to groan in pain.

This started when you were getting angry at a game, growing more frustrated as you kept dying, so you threw your controller somewhere.

That somewhere happened to be the window, which was open for fresh air due to the summer's blazing heat. The wireless device hit the grass outside, which thankfully softened its fall. You had reached out to grab it, not knowing the window was already a bit unstable. So when you laid your body down as the bottom and bumped your elbow on the mechanism that kept it open, the window slammed closed right onto your back.

"Oh, fuck! This hurts," You grumbled in pain, your toes growing sore from being bent back on the bedroom carpet and your palms gripping the wall to prevent you from falling face first into it. The upper hand of your body was outside was the lower was still inside. Pain settled in your hands and toes from the pressure, but your back felt the worst. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, hoping to ease the feeling if you stayed still.

After allowing yourself to slow your breathing and calm down, you took a deep breath and tried standing up a bit, arching your back against the sill in an attempt to raise it. To no avail, however, which pissed you off. It was too heavy for your liking and you weren't able to just slip through the available space. You knew you weren't gonna be able to do this alone, so you sighed, slightly annoyed.

Anyone who would walk in the room would have a first class look at your ass, hugged by black button up shorts that reached just below. The thought of it was embarrassing to say the least, and only one other person was home. Your boyfriend, Pico, who you knew would tease you for days on end about how you managed to get yourself stuck in a window. Soft grumbles left your lips as you contemplated calling out his name.

Your knees buckled due to how tired your toes grew, causing them to clash together and making you hiss in pain once again. "Ah motherfucker, that hurt," You whispered, letting your bottom lip leave your teeth. As you tried again, small chips of wood stabbed through the black fabric of your t-shirt and onto your skin, making you relax your back and almost tear up. An exasperated sigh left your mouth. You really had no other choice. The window refused to move despite your attempts and your back pain was growing worse.

You took another deep breath and straightened your back.

"Pico! I kinda need help here!"

You swallowed a wad of spit out of nervousness, preparing yourself to get playfully mocked by the carrot topped boy. A moment later, you heard your door open. "Hey, are you ok-" He cut himself off as he looked at you, taking in the state you were in. His white pearly eyes travelled from your buckled knees to your hips and finally to your back. He stifled a chuckle and slapped his hand over his mouth.

While it was sort of funny, he had to admit you looked hot in that position. You were bent over, knees together and sweat slowly forming on your exposed skin. The scene reminded him of a few nights ago when he rearranged your guts over the kitchen counter. He had the urge to just walk there and take you as is, but he didn't know if you would be alright with it.

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