A Change Of Mind

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(Hades POV)

'Go on then. Leave us. Just know that when you walk through that door and leave our life behind, you will not see hide nor hair of this baby.' Maleficent said as she pointed to her slightly swollen stomach. My baby. Well. Our baby. 'I got you pregnant.' I replied as I edged away from the door. 'So?' She looked irritated. 'So you wouldn't be where you are today without me.' I answered confidently. At least, I hope I was confident. 'What? I wouldn't be carrying a human being with me everywhere I go? I wouldn't be puking up and having to use the bathroom every 5 minutes?' She raised an eyebrow as I shrugged.  'You wouldn't be having that child if it wasn't for me.' I confirmed as she rolled her eyes and slumped down on the couch with her hand flopped gently over her 6 month old baby bump. 'Whatever.' She started as she looked back at me. 'If you're going to leave, then I'd prefer that you did it sooner rather than later.' She said with an unbothered expression reading on her face. But I could see that in her eyes, she was scared. She didn't want me to leave. She wanted me to stay. She needed me to stay. My decision was set in stone though. I couldn't raise a child. Sure, I loved Maleficent, Gods she was my world, but I wasn't ready to be a father. Yes, I wanted kids, but not now. Not when I have just gotten over the fact that my obnoxious brother Zeus defeated me. How can a tiny child be born here anyway. Here. The Isle of the lost. The Isle of the leftovers.

(Maleficent's POV)

I didn't know what he was going to do, what he was going to say. I knew that he was gonna leave me. I mean, which life is best. The life when he can live on his own and worry about nobody else. Or the life when he can live with his expectant wife and wait patiently while she moans throughout the whole pregnancy about how tiring it is being pregnant. Just think. Which is better? It's not a trick question. He was edging further and further away from the door though. 'I'm not gonna pull you back. We'll be perfectly fine on our own. Me and the baby.' I lied. I wanted Hades to stay with me. To help me raise our child. I didn't want to add to the long list of single parents that inhabited the Isle of The Lost. I noticed that I looked soft as Hades gave me a heartfelt look. ' Well, go away! Leave me and my child be! From this day forward we will never speak of our relationship together again. Deal?' I spoke as I made my facial expression more stern. He looked at me passionately. 'No. I can never agree to that. Not now, not ever.' He sat down beside my feet on the couch as I looked at him, confused yet excited.

(Hades POV)

I need stay with her. I want to stay with her. If this is the only chance in my life to have kids, then I want it to be with Maleficent.'What?' Maleficent questioned as her eyes widened in shock and in joy. 'I will be here for you. I will hold your hand and watch as our baby grows inside you. I will hold your hand whilst you give birth to our child. I will help you raise it, and be by your side for whatever challenges parenting throws at us. And who knows, maybe one day we might have more than one kid. But no matter what, I will be with you now and forever. When I said my wedding vows to you, I meant every word, M.' I smiled softly as I noticed her start to tear up. But she said nothing, and only dragged me closer onto the huge couch and pulled me into her body. She crashed her lips onto mine. I could feel her bump pressing into me, and all I could think was, oh baby.

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