My Girl

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(Maleficent's POV)

I am too tired to do anything anymore. I can barely move because of the amount of energy that I have just used to give birth. I just want to lay back and go to sleep. But I can hear crying. Soft, quiet crying. Like a baby's crying. My baby. I tilt my head up a bit as my sticky, bald, little child is placed on my naked chest. I gently put my arms  around them as they finally stop tensing and relax. All that I can think is, this thing came out of me. Wow. I can feel them licking my neck and I laugh at my child. Hades beamed down at the both of us and spoke. 'What should we name her?' Her. I have a baby girl. An heir. A mistress to take after me. To carry my name. I look into her big green eyes as she stares up at me. And I knew exactly what to name her. 'Her name's Mal. Baby Mali.' I smiled softly as Hades sat down beside us. 'It's perfect. And her middle name?' Hades questioned but I couldn't be bothered to think anymore. 'You decide.' I said breathlessly as i placed my hand on my now sleeping baby's head. Hades looked deep in thought for a second before he came up with a name. 'Bertha. Mal Bertha.' He concluded happily as I nodded in agreement. 'I like it. Welcome to the world, Mal Bertha.' I look down at my daughter and notice that she has fallen asleep with her finger wrapped around my own. I am in love with this little human already.

(Author's POV)

Not long after Mal's birth two other children were born. Jakeem and Eva. Or, as their parents - who were Jafar and Evil Queen - called them, Evie and Jay. Evie was born in Castle across the way, which was on Hell Street, next door to Hell Hall, which belonged to the infamous Cruella De Vil. Whereas Jay was born in Jafar's Junk Shop, opposite Bargain Castle, the home of baby Mal. It would only make sense that the two would be friends. But just how would they be friends, is the question.

3 year old Mal was wandering around her home, occasionally stealing things that looked particularly appealing, when she noticed that a small, muscular boy had taken her bag. Rushing after him in fury, Mal kicked the boy beneath his feet, which caused him to fall backwards and onto the floor. Mal took the bag from his hands and slung it over her shoulder. 'You get what you get, I suppose.' She cackled and began to walk away, then she felt a hand clutch her ankle. The boy. 'You have a tight grip.' She muttered as she attempted to pull back her leg. 'But mine is tighter.' Mal thought that she could free herself now, so she smirked and tried to walk away. All attempts were in vain when the boy still wouldn't let go of her ankle. 'Nah. I don't think so, purple.' The boy sneered as he took back t he bag and let go of her foot. 'It's not purple.' Mal growled trying to regain her dignity and grab her bag. 'What is it then?' The boy questioned with somewhat genuine curiosity. 'Mal. Hades and Maleficent's daughter.' Mal put her hand out for the boy to shake as he raised an eyebrow. 'Jay. Jafar's my dad. We live opposite you in the junk shop.' The boy - Jay - shook Mal's hand as Mal took the bag from his other one. 'See you around, Jay.' And with that Maleficent's child was out of his sight, making her way back to her castle. 'See you.' Jay replied as Mal waved to him gingerly without looking back.

(Mal's POV)

Jay seemed........ sly. He'd make a good minion or sidekick, I suppose. I was pondering over my new companion as I walked back into the castle to see a sight that made me want to vomit. My parents were straddled on the couch kissing each other in a grotesque manner. My father was practically layed on top of my mother, holding her waist like his life depended on it. Whereas my mother had her hands cupped around his chin and she was constantly pushing into my father. 'You make me sick.' I stated with a disgusted expression staining my face. 'Mal.' Mother said with a shaky tone as she and my dad sat up straight. 'You weren't supposed to see that.' She continued as my father raised an eyebrow. 'And yet I did.' I shrugged. 'Anyway, guess who I just met?' I quickly changed the subject for the sake of my Mom's embarrassment. 'You know that there's a million people we could guess Mali.' Dad walked over to me and began rummaging through the bag that I had just received back from Jay. 'Well, even if you had guessed you would never have gotten it. I just met Jafar's son. His name is Jay.' I smiled as Mother raised an eyebrow. 'Really. What's he like then?' She questioned with genuine curiosity and interest. 'He's alright. He's very sneaky and sly. He took my bag off me, but I got it back from him.' I smirked as both of my parents shared an amused smile. 'You'll have to ask him if he's going to start school at the same time as you.' Dad suggested, but I had stopped listening at this point. I was busy thinking about what school would be like. I was scared. It didn't matter about who my parents were, nobody would be afraid of me. I was small for my age, just like my mother. I was tough though, and fiesty, as my parents always reminded me. 'Hey! Mali! You look gormless, baby! Stop daydreaming and wake yourself up!' Mom snapped her fingers in front of my face a few times before i eventually came back into the room. 'I'm scared.' I blurted out with a blush. 'Eh?' Mother questioned as I attempted to keep myself together. 'I'm scared to start school. Like I'm small and they're all big.' I had lost the hope of grammar right now. I was too busy focusing on hiding my embarrassment. I noticed Mom raise an eyebrow at Dad out of the corner of my eye as they both sighed. 'When you're older they'll be absolutely terrified of you. You'll just have to show them who's boss.' Dad spoke with a softer tone of voice than Mom. Mom's was soft with an undertone of menace, although it was mainly just menace when talking to anyone other than me or Dad.
'And if they ever upset you then just tell Mommy and Daddy, yeah?' Dad smiled and stood upright as Mom gestured me over. 'Daddy's right baby. And anyway, who would be foolish enough to fool you, my evil little devil.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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