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I was serving these boiled eggs to plates when Yibo came to my kitchen.

I regarded him and I couldn't help but smile when I see him on his own shirt and jeans but his hair was wet so he did bath.

I checked him out up and down.

"You can borrow my clothes you know, but look sexy already." I said with a wink and I got a glare back.

"Have a seat... I made you breakfast." I smiled and pointed towards my dinner table.

I thought he will hesitate but he didn't when he grabbed a seat and waited for me to serve. Well that really surprised me and I am all here for that.

I placed our breakfast on that table and I saw him scanning all of the stuffs I placed in front of him.

There were some breads and some Jam. Two mugs of coffee and two boiled eggs.

I smiled proudly when he looked back at me.

"What is this?" He frowned at me.

I frowned back before I answer.


I saw him sighing sarcastically before grabbing that coffee mug.

I was pouting when I sat opposite to him. But I smiled again when I saw him struggling to drink it without touching his nose on that mug. It was really funny. I also had a band aid on my nose and we both had red marks but he looked funnier than me.

He made a face when he gulped that coffee.

"You call it a coffee?" He asked and placed back that mug on the table.

I frowned. Nobody ever complained about my coffee and I was a little upset to hear that.

"For your info, I am a really good cook. Your taste buds are not working because of the alcohol you are having. I didn't have any grocery items here to make a proper breakfast but I just prepared this whole breakfast for you. You should be thankful instead of being sarcastic. Not only for this, but also for last night too. I'm a nice guy you see." I put a bright smile on my face at the end.

"I don't call two piece of bread a breakfast." He said when he reached for a boiled egg.

I scowled at him.

"I told you, I had nothing here to cook except this bread and eggs."

He ignored my annoyance while biting that egg.

I chewed my bread slowly, watching him. He was eating those breads and he was also drinking that coffee too.

This guy is definitely a weird one. The weirdest I have ever seen.

Last night, he fell to the ground when I punched him and I never thought he will go unconscious. I tried to wake him up and I tried calling his name a few times and finally he did wake but he wasn't conscious. The blood wasn't stopping because of the alcohol he had. I was a little terrified and I sure was guilty. Grabbing a taxi felt a good idea to me.

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