Sorry Again

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Am I still sleeping? Is this all my dream?

Is this really happening?


I assured it myself when his one hand traced to my back head to give some support.


It is happening !! Again !!

He is kissing me !! Again !!

Shut the f*ck up Zhan and kiss him back.

I didn't wait to wrap my arms around him and kiss him back.

I was a moaning mess when those full lips stroked, sucked and bite my own. I heard him grunting when my teeth sunk in his lower lip.

There is a wild animal in this handsome frame and I can see it right now.

His fingers were clutching and stroking my hair.

When his tongue demanded, I couldn't help but part my lips for him.

I was no longer in earth when our tongues met and I felt my knees becoming weak.

I tried to clutch on to him but his feverish kisses was making it worse.

I thought I am gonna fall down but I was in his strong grip. He was never gonna let me fall.

I was breathless.

He was too.

Suddenly, Yibo's phone ringed.

The kiss we were having stopped immediately and I saw Yibo's panic face in front of me.

I was still weak and trying to process everything that just happened. We both were staring at each other and we both were panting. Instead of picking up that call, he was blinking up at me.

The ringing ended and Yibo was still holding me to him. I was still clutched onto his body.

After a few more seconds of staring, I saw Yibo taking a long breath.

A memory of our previous kiss and the after rejection came back to my mind.

I wanted to know what Yibo was thinking right then. But when I see him looking away from me, a fear got into my heart.

Is this going to be the same as before?

I was still staring at him, gulping, trying to find out his feeling but he was looking at anything but me.

I saw him wetting his lips and my eyes widened in tension.

I saw him parting his lips to say something and my heart raced again.

Is this going to be another rejection?

Another regret?

Another heartbreak?

I gulped visibly again.

He looked up at me before he sighing.

Is he going to say.....

"I'm sorry." He said.


I was no longer breathing.

Thank God he was still holding me otherwise I would have fell down.

Disappointment hit me harder than I thought and I looked away from him.

I slowly retreated my arms from him and I slowly pulled away from him.

When I was completely away from his touch, I looked down to the floor and took a long breath.

I felt my eyes becoming silly but I held it back.

No Zhan. You can't do that. You can't cry.

You can't be vulnerable.

You are strong. You did this once. You can do this again. Just look up at him and smile.

Do not let him see your broken heart.

Slowly I looked up at him. Our eyes met again and that's when I smiled.

I don't know if my smile reached my eyes but I did try.

"I shouldn't have done that." Yibo said again and I gulped when I nodded with that smile.

"I know. It's okay. I know you are not.... Ahmmm... We shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry too." I said shrugging my shoulders.

I saw him frowning first before placing his one hand on my shoulder.

"No... It's not that... I.... I mean I'm sorry for.........for that night."

I was blinking and I don't know how much time I did that.

"That night?"

"Yeah that night." He nodded.

"Oh! already apologized for that night. No need to do that again." I tapped his arm and was about to turn away but suddenly stopped me by my arm.

"No...... Not for that. I..... I am sorry that I hurt you that night." He said and I was gaping at him.

Am I hearing him right?

Yibo, baby, please punch me on my face because I think I lost my mind because I'm hearing things that I'm not used to hear from you.

"Zhan,........ ZHAN..... ZHAN GE!!"

"Huh!!!! Yeah.....ahmm.... What did you just say?!!" I blurted and he frowned at me.

"You... you apologized for........for that?" I asked him again. And he nodded hesitantly.

My eyes widened and a very big bright smile appeared on my face.

"So..... That means ....You are not sorry for kissing me?" I poked him on his chubby cheek and it blushed immediately. How cute. I thought.

"That's enough. I gotta go." His grumpy face came back again and I couldn't help but giggle.

"No no no no no.... Answer me." I grabbed his arm to turn him around towards me again.

"Aren't you sorry for what you did right now?" I asked him again and he rolled his eyes at me before pulling away.

I chuckled when I saw that grumpy cat walked towards the door.

"You can't just go like that without fixing what you broke earlier." I called out and he stopped by that door, turned at me again and turned that doorknob.

"I already did." He made a face at me with a wink.

"I wasn't talking about the door." I winked back and I couldn't help but chuckle again when I saw him glaring at me before his retreat.


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