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This story already reaching 2k views left me so speechless that writing this chapter actually was a struggle lmao! BUT I made it through I did it 🐰🐨

When the front door knocks, I stand up from my position between Namjoon and Jungkook on the couch to open the door, the two of them following behind me like bodyguards. I open the door and smile when I see who it is.

"Hey there, you three seem in a good mood" Jimin says while handing the box he's holding to Jungkook. The latter grabs it effortlessly and goes to the dining table to set it down.

"Hi Jimin, I'm really sorry for making you do all this" I say as I wear my shoes to follow him to the car. The two hybrids following behind us to the trunk currently filled with bags of food. My eyes widen at the sight.

"Jimin-" I start but he shakes his head with a smile. "It's totally fine. Let's consider this... a moving in present, okay? Boys, your boxes are in the back, the doors are unlocked" he says with a wink before grabbing a few bags of food.

Jungkook and Namjoon hurry to open the car's doors and get a few boxes themselves. I sigh and proceed to grab some bags, because watching everything happen around me is not an option. Should I try to sneak some money into the car? Would that be rude?

"Y/N, I feel like I know what you're thinking at the moment and it's not a good idea. Jimin is not in a financial situation where he can't care for his friends. He's got more than enough" Namjoon says as he gets out of the car with two medium boxes piled in his arms.

"How do you know that?" I ask, see him smile. "Has Jimin asked you to pay a fee to adopt us? He doesn't make any profit from the center. What do you think that means?". I open and close my mouth, just now registering that it is true, I wasn't charged anything.

"Are you telling her everything about me, Joonie?" Jimin teases when he comes back to the car to see me standing there, immobile with two bags in hands. He takes them from me with a grin. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you don't know. I own a big company around here, you don't need to worry about anything, this won't make me unable to eat this month" he reassures me before going back inside the house, Namjoon on his heels.

A big company? When does he find the time to do other jobs when he seems to always be at the center? I shake my head and grab the last bag before closing the trunk. I walk around the car to see Jungkook's tail poking out as he crawls out with three boxes.

His ears twitch and he twists his neck to see me standing behind him. He gives me a bunny smile and steps out of the car, arms full. "Come noona, I'm sure Jimin brought lots of good food" he chirps as his elbow closes the door with a swing and he then nudges my side softly with his butt to make me move forward.

I chuckle and follow him inside where Namjoon and Jimin are emptying the bags on the counter. "Jimin, it's okay, you can take a seat, I'll do this" I tell him, watch as he shakes his head with a smile. "I'm fine, I should be the one showing you what I got anyway" he replies while motioning for me to get closer.

Jungkook takes the boxes to the table with the others while I go to stand next to Namjoon in the kitchen, eyes taking in the multitude of food Jimin got us while I set the last bag next to the others.

"Jimin, that must have cost a fortune, let me pay you back please" I tell him, nervosity climbing in me while my eyes take in all the meat and expensive food being piled on the side for the koala to stock everything into the freezer.

A head settles on my shoulder from behind me and arms wrap around my waist. I tense a little at first before registering that it's Jungkook. I'll need to get used to these surprise cuddles. Jimin acts as if nothing was said and proceeds to stock everything into the cupboards and pantry, the two hybrids taking note of where everything is put to find them easily later.

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