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I stand in front of the door, highly embarrassed about what's to come. I can't believe I told them how I feel just like that. Where did that courage come from?! Was it the adrenaline? It's not like I regret that part, for them to know how I feel is only fair considering I know how they feel.

What I truly can't believe is how I offered them kisses. I could hear it in their voice, that they perceived the change in my scent, I know that was a huge giveaway of my feelings and I know they were fighting against themselves to not tear the door down just to be closer to me.

I read in that book I got after they told me the truth that hybrids react a lot to their mate's scent. The brighter and the sweeter the smell, the more inviting it is, the strongest being when the feelings of love surge to the surface. That's usually an open door to marking and simply bonding and that's what I offered them.

I just don't know if my offering them a kiss was because I feel responsible for their instincts or because I really want it. Am I really ready for that just yet? Was it in the spur of the moment? It does feel like I'm having after-thoughts and I don't know how to deal with that. But how can I possibly take that back after giving them hope?

Knowing that nothing really keeps me in the bathroom anymore since I'm all clean and dressed, I slowly open the door to hear soft whispering from the living room. Highly nervous and knees shaking, I try to make my way to them quietly but not only two steps forward has them turning their head to see me frozen in the corridor like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh gosh. I can't tell if I regret saying that or if I'm just very anxious about making that step. Is it too early? I mean, I just realized that my feelings are growing for them. I think I want this, but at the same time, it really freaks me out.

With my heart beating as fast as it is, I just know that they can hear it, especially with the way Jungkook's ears twitch on top of his head, light concern showing in his eyes. Namjoon pats the seat between them with a soft smile.

"Come here, flower" he muses and I gulp with a nod before making my way around the couch and sit down between them. Feeling their bodies pressed against my sides helps me to relax a little. I always feel so safe when next to them.

"Noona" I hear Jungkook say and when I turn to look at him, he smiles and cups my cheeks. I feel myself blush, body tensing up and Namjoon holds my hand, his thumb caressing the soft skin of my knuckles.

"You know that we love you very much right?" Jungkook asks and I sheepishly nod, to which they both hum, pleased. "And you know we would never force you to do anything you're not ready to do?" he continues, that part making my heart skip a beat, in guilt or in relief, I'm not sure.

Still, I nod because I know that to be true. They would never force me to do anything that they feel I can't handle. He smiles and turns my head gently to press his lips on my cheek.

"That kiss will be enough, just knowing that you're here with us right now is enough. We can wait" he whispers and I bite on my lips as I feel a lump form in my throat. Another pair of big hands turn my shoulders around so I can stare at my other hybrid, eyes looking into his soft and warm orbs.

"We appreciate the thought of you trying for us and that's more than we could ask for, flower. Simply to know how you feel towards us, we could feel your sincerity and that means a lot to us. We have our whole life in front of us, don't we? Not everything has to happen too soon" he says with a bright smile, his dimples showing and making my heart melt even more as their words register in my mind.

Just like Jungkook, he bends down to press a gentle kiss on my cheek and then proceeds to hug me tight. "As long as we can remain together like that, we'll wait for as long as it takes until you're ready" he murmurs and I nod against his chest, my arms meeting at his back as I feel tears flow down my cheeks.

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