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"The baby seems to be doing well, you can see here that there's a little heartbeat, it's healthy and strong, which is good. From what I'm seeing, I'd say the pregnancy must be at its eighth week, have you had your period during the past two months?".

It takes me a moment to actually process the question because my mind turns the words said in a loop in my mind, that it's safe, healthy, baby Jeon is fine, it takes me everything to not burst into tears from joy, the relief that crashes into me strong and overwhelming.

Taehyung squeezes my hand tightly, his eyes bright and beaming, he knew it would be fine but to hear it from someone else, he can't deny that it makes him relax too, he was so afraid that he could have led me astray with false belief.

"My period... well I do sometimes skip a month, it's normal for me so I didn't really worry over it, I thought I would simply get it the next month" I explain before turning my head back to the screen where I can see the little heartbeat, there's almost nothing to see, but the heart is there, my baby is growing, right here.

"Alright. If you do get your period, it might be some spotting, it's totally normal and common so don't worry about it, but you can always take an appointment just in case, although I have to say, the little peanut seems very strong already, you shouldn't worry too much".

Strong just like its father then, did Jungkook give it some of his incredible invincible blood? If so, I'm extremely thankful, it would break my heart to have to confront the opposite situation.

How much my bunny will beam when he hears that though... Namjoon and I probably won't hear the end of it, the thought puts a soft smile on my face.

The rest of the appointment goes without much problems, Taehyung asks a few questions, some answers he expected, he looks overall very pleased with what he's hearing and seeing and when we finally step out of the clinic, it's like the sky is brighter, the colours more vivid, the sounds melodies for my soul, everything feels perfect.

"Let's call Yoongi hyung now, I'm sure he's going to be ecstatic with the news" Taehyung exclaims while getting his phone out and I nod quickly before reaching his side, head happily going to nuzzle into his side as I observe him going through his contacts to find our wonderful friend.

When he does find and select his number, he puts the call on speaker mode and we slowly make our way to my car, one of his arms around me to keep me close and steady, there's no describing how absolutely delighted we are, I could move mountains without even blinking an eye, that's how happy I am.

'About time I got a call! Jin and Jimin are with me right now, tell us! How did it go? We've been waiting around my phone for nearly thirty minutes now!' the man scolds us as soon as he accepts the call and Taehyung lets out a laugh, my own twirling with his soon after, it gives them their answer without even needing us to say a single word.

'Yes!!! It's a healthy baby! Thank goodness!' Jin lets out loudly before sobbing out of joy and Jimin can be heard cooing before speaking up with a trembling voice, the emotions getting to him too.

'Is it really, sweetie? Please say something, we're all nearly having a heart attack here'.

I smile, soul melting for them, how much they care something I didn't know could touch my heart that much. "Its heartbeat is healthy, they said that I have nothing to worry about, it's a strong baby, it will grow up well".

I hear the three men groan in relief on the other side of the line, it makes Taehyung and I grin, we could feel that one, we still feel like we just stepped out of a dream.

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