Conversation n°2

11 1 4

pressed person: eww what's that in your bio?

me: *confused* umm excuse me?

pressed person: the coloniser flag on your bio

me: oh that is- *gets cut off*

pressed person: do you know what a disgrace that is? how much suffering they caused?

me: yes but let me talk- *gets cut off again*

pressed person: *continues rambling*

me: shut up and let me talk! I'm mixed race, part of me is from that country, therefore I have the right to put that flag in my bio!!!

pressed person: *blinks*

me: happy now?

pressed person: oh so you have coloniser blood huh? probably think you're better than us-

me: swear down I am so close to beating you up

so you have cOlOnIsErS bLoOd- pisses me off so much when I hear someone say that to me or another mixed person
normalise asking people where they are from instead of attacking straight away!!!
it's not like I asked to come from my countries now did i?

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