thoughts n°5

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so this is a lil continuation from thoughts n°4, where i talked about ✨cultural appropriation✨

now not only do people culturally appropriate, which they shouldn't,

but is it just me or nine times out of ten they make it look like really bad or just plain ridiculous?

like justin bieber in the latest dj khalid collab

sir, why is your hair in pigtails?

you look like a child

or commes des garcons

that one was purely disgusting

but anyways guys

don't do cultural appropriation

because that makes you ridiculous

and you also look ridiculous ☺

but guys remember to ask people where they come from just in case-

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hello everyone, it's your girl elle~

so i haven't updated in forever (sorry)

i have ideas....just no motivation to write them. plus i feel like no one is reading this so yh 🙃

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