thoughts n°7

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guys I have no idea why I was thinking about this today, but I was wondering how when I meet a guy in the future how on earth I'm supposed to explain that he needs to give my family money to marry me-

a little context for those of you who don't know - in most African cultures (I think it might be all of them but I'm not 100% sure), the man has to give money & gifts to the woman's family in order to marry her

So usually if you marry an African guy, this isn't really a problem cos they know it's coming- but with all honesty the chances of me marrying a guy from my African country or even the rest of Africa is lowwwww

So how am I supposed to explain this to my future man? If any of you guys knows someone who managed to explain this successfully to their so pls let me know-

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hello everyone, it's your girl elle ~

oh god me being old enough to get asked when I'm getting married is scary

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