How Dabi Met Her pt.2

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She took out his file she had in her bag and looked at him as if double checking that he's okay with it, he looked at her like to go ahead she nodded and started:
"Name/alias- Dabi (real name unknown)
Age- range from 19 to late 20s
Quirk- Blue flame/Cremation"
She read out loud to him, she paused. Dabi looked at her to see the reason why she stopped but he didn't see any so he just continued to stare at her to make her say something. She looked up from the file and smiled " My favorite color is blue, to be exact it's like blue or yellow I love them both" she said. Dabi looked at her confused then she went back to reading the file:
"Occupation- A-ranked villain and a member of the LOV(league of villains)"
Vivian couldn't keep it together and burst laughing, laughter filled Dabi's hear were silence once was, Dabi was confused on why she was laughing and questioned her mental health the people in the other room were too. "Why are you laughing, have you gone nuts from just reading my file?" He questioned but also mocked, "No, my mental health was broken before I read your file" she joked " I was just laughing at the name of the league, it's LOV right?" She questioned he nodded then she said " If you put an E at the end it'll make LOVE and then you guys can be 'League Of Villain Effectiveness'. Just imagine people saying ' oh no it's LOVE, make a run for it' hahahahaha" Vivian said while dying at the end of her speech, Dabi just sat there dead planted at her humor and really questioned if she's not insane. Vivian calmed down a few seconds that felt like hours to Dabi she said "well that's basically it in your file but I'd like to talk about what I think about you kay? Dabi rolled his eyes at her as she started to get serious. Vivian sat up straight at stared at him and was analyzing him from his hair color to its roots from the look in his eyes and the burnt stapled skin. She looked at his piercings and his cloths that he was wearing, they took his coat and left him in his shirt and pants. Vivian sighed. As she analyzed him, Dabi also had his time to analyze her and see how dangerous and powerful she is or isn't, and to see how she acts or her behavior.
And so it began
"Your alias is Dabi, you were physically and emotionally abused when you were a kid, by the way you react when I talk about Toga or when I say her name, I deducted that your the older brother thus means you project Toga as a little sister. You are used to being hurt that's why you barely flinch when someone touches your freshly burnt skin so I suppose that you protected you sibling but it's probably siblings seeing as your old so if there were more siblings to protect you'd have to stay longer to protect them from your parents. But then again it was mostly your father, from the way you acted with the males detectives rude and blatant versus how you're acting with me, a friendly woman, your calm and relaxed enough for me to notice. That might be because your father beat you and force you to train your quirk but it didn't turn out so well, seeing as you still get burnt by your fire, to change that you have to have some calm relaxed training with your quirk. You became a villain because you had to run away or disappear from your family because you couldn't take it anymore you reached your point and you had to show your father what he made you into and bring havoc and chaos to him to get back at him, so I'm guessing he is on the good side of the law, so a hero, police officer, or someone that represents good and power. Also I think you're suffering from depression, ptsd, and social anxiety. You close your self off because that's one of the only things a destroyed, broken child can do and they/ you lash out at the world. And the people in it, especially your father.Vivian takes a breath before continuing and looks at Dabi to make sure she's not pushing her limits, his facial expression was priceless, Dabi sitting there eyes wide, mouth open speechless. The detectives jaw dropped when they heard her list out his life events seemingly perfectly and swiftly only being with him in the same room for 5 minutes or less. They really take back what they thought about her being of no used to then and how unprofessional she is. Vivian sighed knowing she probably went too far and decided to end it jokingly "So to sum it all up you're suffering from teenage angst, and sir, I'm pretty sure your in your 20s" she smiled and laughing a bit. Dabi soon came back into reality when she said that. He just smiled and thought " wow she was basically spot on with her hypothesis's and deductions. It's kinda scary how much she knows or can get by just sitting here with me and the basic information in those files, cause I know for damn sure that information was not in there" Vivian looked at her watch and sighed "I have about 10 more minutes with you is there anything you want to say or question and before you say anything about me talking about Toga, yes I know we didn't talk about her I said that so I could see your reactions and it was just as I suspected. Is there anything else you want to know?". "What's your quirk?" He said cautiously and curiously. Vivian just smiled and said "I cant tell you, I'm not allowed to" Dabi frowned "but~ I can give you hints but not fully because I'll a- give information about me and b- will compromise my safety if you were to get out. Soooo ask a question about it" " is it offense or defense?" "Defensive" "okay what kind of quirk is it like emitter, transformation, or mutant?" "It's mutant" "but you don't look like a mutant?" "Yeah I get that a lot my quirk basically means it on all the time and it changes how I look but I've trained and practice really hard to be able to turn it off and on but when I sleep or not paying attention/not focusing it usually turns back on by it's self because I'm not turning it off constantly." "Oh mhm" Dabi nodded understanding. Vivian phone starts ringing she looks at the caller then her eyes widened and Dabi noticed she answered it and asked them to wait a minute she pulls out a paper and writes a phone number on it "here, it's my number call if you need anything and I mean anything" she said but before she left she whispered just loud enough for Dabi to hear " my address is on the back, when you get out of here call me and we can meet up and DON'T kidnap me I'll go willingly if you just ask." "Okay I have an important phone call I'll be back in a minute!" She yell to the detectives and police and left.
To be continued....

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