Bedtime Story

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When Vivian got done admiring her house she set off to clean or pick up whatever mess she left this morning before playing with her kids.
"Mommy?" Michael said. "Yes sweet heart?"
"I was just wondering when we're going to the doctors to see what my quirk is." "O-Oh well we can do it this weekend since tomorrow mommy has some meetings to attend. And then we can go Saturday morning!" Vivian said. Michael nodded and was excited but nervous about going to the doctors.
Today is Friday- Time skip to kids bedtime
Vivians POV
I just got done feeding the little rascals and now I need to put them to bed so there not cranky in the morning. I went around the house turning the lights off and preparing for bed. Then I went to their room to tuck them in and say good night. "Okay my baby bears it's time to get tucked in for bed" "okay!"they shouted from the bathroom while finishing brushing their teeth. Michael ran into their room while Lilith just walked behind. I tuck them into bed and give good night kisses,turning on the night light so they don't get scared. Just as I was about to leave I heard Lilith ask something. "What did you say baby girl?" "Oh um.... I was wondering if you could tell us a bedtime story?" Lilith said. I had a surprised look on my face since they rarely ever ask for stories, but I just smiled and said yes. I sat down on the floor since I was lazy and decided to tell them a certain story I had heard of long ago. "Once upon a time not very long ago, there was two siblings. One of them represented darkness and greed for power and the other one represented weakness and hope for the light. Even though they were opposites they love each other. This was the beginning of a long treacherous war. People from far and wide, came to worship one of the two, the light in the darkness of the sibling had started to dim with more power and the sibling that was granted the light started to grow weaker. From everyone in the world started to chase the light power so in fear of losing their brother, they locked him away so no one can get to him, because his brother is his only weakness" " why did he lock him up to protect him?" "Very good question Lilith, but I do not know the answer" "The darkness guy seems bad but good at the same time" "yeah" Lilith agreed. "Well we all do things that others question but we have a purpose for doing them. Let's get back to the story! But only locking his brother away only made him weaker until one day someone found him and took his light away and just left him to be found by his brother. The person that had took the power had used to take down the dark brother and all his power, however he had not been successful and so he had a successor to take the power of light and defeat the darkness. Yet again it didn't work so the light power kept getting passed down from user to user getting stronger each user it goes to. While this is happening the darkness only get more mad at the fact they are using his brothers power to destroy him. So he got strong so he could take the power back into his family so no more people abuse it's power. The original light user did not want this to happen he only wanted there to be good people and for the world to be at peace instead of people fighting all the time. So the light power and the dark power are said to still rome the world fighting each other for different reasons." "Wow that's so cool I wonder if I'll ever see them or maybe talk to them to get things straight out so they don't have to fight!" Micheal said. "Don't be ridiculous the story can't be real or everyone would be fighting all the time right mom?" "Actually it is real so you know how there are hero's and villains" "yeah?" Both of them said "Well the hero's are to pose as light to hide the user of the light power while villains pose as darkness to conceal the dark power" "oooohhh" they both said in unison. I laughed and said good night to them once again before leaving. I head to my room to get ready to go to bed and scroll on my phone for an hour or two.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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