Chapter 3

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Lu'au: Hawaiian feast


Our manager told us to wait until he checked us in. When he finished, we entered the elevator and he pressed #7. He explained how we had the whole hotel floor to ourselves to make sure no fans intrude. Security would be monitoring the floor for our safety.

As we gathered on the 7th floor he held 4 hotel keys.

"Okay. There are 4 rooms available for you guys. Staffs are occupying the other rooms." Manager hyung explained. "One person will have a room to themselves."

Suddenly Suga reached for one of the hotel keys and unlocked his hotel room.

"See you losers tomorrow." He closed the door and we all shrugged it off.

"No one wants to room with you ANYWAYS" Jimin said, still mad about his last encounter.

"Okay. Well. As we all know, Suga needs a room to himself. Now it's up to you guys to decide who you want to room with."

"I'll be with Jin" Namjoon said.

"Sounds good to me." Jin agreed.

Jungkook slowly moved towards me. I took the hint. I pulled him close, grabbed his hand and raised it in the air.

"I call Jungkook!" I yelled.

"Noooooo. I wanted Jungkookie..." Jimin whined.

I stuck out my tongue and hugged my golden maknae. Jin gave me a concerned look. I mouthed ITS OK. And he nodded.

"Don't worry. You have me!" Jhope exclaimed.

"I don't want you." Jimin mumbled.

Jhope gasped. Jimin gave him an apologetic look and Jhope started smiling again.

"Awww.. I can't stay mad at you." He grabbed Jimins cheeks and stretched them. "Aww! Cuute!"

"Hyung! How am I suppose to be a man when you treat me like this?!" Jimin complained.

The manager rolled his eyes and handed us our hotel keys. We entered our rooms and Jungkook jumped on his bed.

"Hyung! This is going to be so fun!" Jungkook said while jumping up and down.

I joined him. We both laughed and I accidentally jumped too high and flew off the bed side. There was a loud bang and Jungkook ran too my side.

"Hyung! Are you okay?!" He grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap.

"I'm fine. Haha, do you think anyone heard?"

He giggled. "I don't think so. This room seems sound proof."

Dirty things appeared in my mind. I could feel myself start to blush and I slapped myself to distract me of those thoughts. Jungkook looked at me funny.

"Why did you slap yourself?"

I made a weird face and funny hand movements "Cause I'm an alien."

"Freak." He pushed me off and we laid on the floor laughing.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and was greeted by Hopie hyung.

"V. This is our schedule for the month. This is for you and Jungkook. Look over it and get ready for dinner tonight. We're leaving at 6. Manager hyung is taking us to a lu'au."

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