Chapter 13

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Taehyung unlocked the door and entered the bedroom area. The maknae was laying on the clean bed sheets, arms spread wide.

"Honey I'm home!" Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook lifted his head then jumped up from the bed.

"Hyung! What did the manager say? Our sheets are clean! Did you tell him?" The younger questioned.

"Oh. Yeah, he asked me what happened. I just told him I peed the bed." Taehyung lied.


V giggled and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. "Manager hyung also said that were performing tonight at the hotel"

Jungkook frowned. "Why?"

"He said that hotel's entertainment aren't able to make it tonight since there is traffic from fallen trees blocking the road. They asked if we could fill in."

The maknae nodded. "Alright. What are we doing?"

"He said meet in Suga's room in 5 minutes."

"Should we go now?"

"Sure. Let's go."

The two walked over to Suga's room and Jin answered. "Oh good. Now we're just missing Jimin and Hoseok."

There was a loud bang. Jimin came running down the hallway giggling

"Hurry! Hurry! Get in!" Jimin pushed the members inside and shut the door behind him.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Jin questioned as he watched the younger peek through the peephole.

"Hyung and I were jumping on the beds.. Hahaha.. And I jumped over to his bed and ... Bwhahaha.. He flew backwards and fell on the ground." Jimin laughed uncontrollably.

"Jimin! Open this door!" Jhope yelled from the other end.

"Hyung! It was an accident! Don't hurt me!"

"I'm not promising anything!" He yelled back.

The manager walked behind Jimin and pulled him away from the door. He opened it and the angry Jhope charged through, hitting the manager in the stomach with his head.

"Aish! Hyung! I'm sorry! I thought you were Jimin!" Hoseok apologized.

"Just get in here and sit down."

Hoseok nodded and took a seat next to Taehyung on the ground. Their manager groaned as he closed the door.

"How did I end up babysitting these idiots." He mumbled.

The members were seated around the room. Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin sat on one of the beds. Suga and Rapmonster sat on the other while Jhope and V were on the ground.

The manager explained the songs they were going to perform. The member nodded and walked into the hallway to rehearse.

After rehearsing, they showered and wore white shirts with black jeans to match. They first introduced themselves to the crowd and opened with "Miss Right" followed by "I like it (Slow Jam Version)".

The younger's took the stage and performed "Beautiful". They paired up, Vkook and Hopemin.

"They really look good together" a couple whispered, watching Taehyung and Jungkook sing to one another. Jungkook blushed, hearing the couple's remark.

After their performance, Jin, Namjoon, and Suga performed "adult child."

Later, Taehyung entered the stage and sang "Someone Like You." His emotions overwhelmed him as he turned to stare at Jungkook who was standing to the side of the stage.

"I wish nothing but the best, for you too. Don't forget me, I beg. I remember you said-" he choked up and Jungkook frowned.

He walked onto the stage with his mic. The two sang it together as a duet, ending it beautifully as the crowd stood up and cheered.

Taehyung embraced the younger for a hug. As they held each other, Jungkook whispered something into his ear.

"Please don't die"

Taehyung pulled away and waved to the crowd. Stay strong Tae. Just wait until tomorrow, he told himself. The members ran onto the stage for the next dance.

The group performed "Boy in Luv" and "War of Hormones".

Taehyung smiled as he watched the maknae move sexually around the stage. He loved watching the younger dance.

The night was coming to an end and BTS thanked the guests for being an amazing audience. People shouted "Hana Hou! (Again!)"

Not wanting to leave the crowd disappointed, they sang their last song, "Just One Day"

At the end of the night, the members returned to their rooms and prepared themselves for bed.

They were excited for the next day. After their performances, the manager said that they will be going surfing tomorrow and Taehyung had prepared a special surprise for the members tomorrow night.

When the maknae finished showering, he laid with the Taehyung on his bed while the older was watching a Korean Drama displayed on the tv.

"Hyung."Jungkook said while leaning his head on his hyung's shoulder.


"I can't imagine rolling over in bed and you're not there."

Taehyung looked away from the tv and focused on the younger, wrapping his arms around him.

Jungkook continued. "I can't picture myself performing with the members and you not being with us. I cant imagine life without you."

V just smiled warmly and hugged him tightly. "I'm not going anywhere."

He pecked the younger's lips before snuggling into his chest.

"Just wait until tomorrow night. I have something to tell you guys." Taehyung said before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Jungkook pouted. "Why can't he just tell me now?" He mumbled before turning off the tv and falling asleep too

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