FORTY-THREE. look alive

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When she was about eight years old, East had to say goodbye to someone she loved dearly. No, not one of her family members or friends. No, she had to say goodbye to her first beloved pet, Hammy the Hamster. A terrible name if she had to admit, looking back on the memory, but she loved Hammy with her whole heart. East only had Hammy for a little over a month before she sadly passed away.  East remembered crying for a whole two weeks and she remembered the pain she felt upon losing someone she held close to her heart.

She never would've guessed that eight years later she'd experience the pain of losing someone again. However, the pain from heartbreak was much, much different compared to the pain of losing your first pet. It had only been a week since Richelle called it quits and East's heart was still sore. She never thought that the person who'd caused her so much pain was the person to who she gave so much love. East thought their relationship was going perfect... Perfect was never okay, as she once said. Because now, she realized how wrong she was.

"Hey, there you are!" The sound of Noah's voice didn't cause East to turn her head to him. Instead, she kept staring at the ceiling of the locker room from the couch she was laying on, a somber look on her face. Noah hadn't come alone because Kai was by his side. Both boys grew concerned at the sight of East who wasn't wearing her usual cheery smile. "You okay, East?"

"Are you still upset about Richelle?" Kai asked, earning a slight nudge from Noah who wore a warning look. East let out a groan, confirming Kai's question. "Well, that's a yes."

"You know what will make you feel better?"

"Death," East deadpanned. "Or chocolates."

"No and yes," Kai said. "We were thinking more on the lines of the Leon Blackwood workshop today."

Leon Blackwood was coming to The Next Step today because Emily organized a workshop for the A-Troupers of TNS East. And as much as East loved Leon's choreography and loved workshops, she was not feeling it.

"Been there, done that," East responded. It was true though. West got an invite from Leon Blackwood to assist him at one of his workshops and he brought East along with him.

"East, you can't stay in here the whole day," Noah pointed out.

"Won't know if I don't try. Look, I appreciate your guys' concern, but I'm not in the mood."

Kai sighed and glanced over at Noah who gave him a nod. It was time to initiate phase two of their plan — drag East to Studio 1 by force.

"You grab her legs," Noah spoke to Kai, gesturing between the two. "I'll grab her arms."

Before East could even question what her friends were getting to, she found herself being suddenly carried off the couch by the two boys. Her eyes widened as Noah and Kai began carrying her out of the room despite her squirming. She was mostly shocked that they were doing this but also shocked that they had the muscle for this.

𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 (𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞.)Where stories live. Discover now