Chapter 1

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Y/N number is 44194


Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching '' 8 o clock already? Time sure does fly ". I thought as i finished setting up the last table. I have insomnia so i have a hard time sleeping not like I want to sleep anyways I end up with a nightmare every time either way. And since I didn't sleep I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I made connys favorite as today is her last day here before she gets '' Adopted " it's more like a death sentence no, it IS one.

Everyone starts to slowly trickle into the dinning room. I start to walk out of the room when someone suddenly touches my shoulder. Causing me to flinch out of the persons grip. I looked over at said person and there stood
'' Norman? ".

'' What the heck was that, was he actually worried or I'm I just seeing things, nah I'm probably just seeing things after all who would care about me? ". '' Where you going Y/N " how is Norman always smiling, doesn't it get tiring after awhile? '' Y/N? " I shook my head '' Sorry I got distracted for a second can you please repeat what you said ".

" He's probably thinks your annoying know, like who wants to repeat themselves over and over again, Your a frigging idiot how can anyone stand you after all you killed Minori ".

I grimaced '' Are you alright Y/N? "
'' Yeah I'm ok Norman " I said giving him my best fake smile. '' ok, anyway back to my earlier question where are you going? ". '' Oh I'm not hungry so I was going to go to the library to study, I'm not smart so I have to study so i can be better " I said rubbing my neck giving him a sheepish grin.

He frowned '' Y/N your really smart you don't give yourself enough credit and you need to eat you haven't eaten anything in 3 days so your eating weather you like it or not " he said grabbing my wrist i winced in pain at the contact. I don't think he noticed but if he did he didn't let it show on his face.

Norman dragged me into the dinning room and made me take a seat. '' Why is he even getting me to eat it's not like I deserve food anyway not after what I did ". '' Y/N are you alright "
'' Huh, what " he said breaking me out of my thought. '' You've been starring at your food for the past 5 minutes, its not going to bite ".

'' oh yeah sorry I was just thinking " I said forcing a smile. He looked at me skeptical of what I had said then stopped and resumed eating his food.
As to not look suspicious I forcefully started to shove food down my throat knowing very well that I'll just throw it up later.

I only ate about half of my plate before I was full '' I'm full " I said to Norman shoving my food away from me to emphasize my point.

Ray looked up from his book curiously '' Y/N you barely ate half your plate, you need to eat more ".
'' yeah Y/N can you please eat a little more, if not for you then for us " Norman said in agreement. '' But guys I'm full " you said honestly.

They sighed '' Fine we'll let you off the hook this time but at dinner you have to eat your entire plate " Ray said. I really don't want to I'm fat enough as it is I don't need anymore food but Norman and Ray can't know that emma can't either I guess it's a good thing shes not down here yet to see all of this. I'm going to have to agree to there deal, not that it sounded like one, it was more like I didn't have a choice. '' Fine, I agree " I huff out annoyed at the two.

Satisfied with my answer the pair went back to what they were previously doing. I toke my plate and put it in the sink. Heading to the bathroom to throw up the food I had just eaten. I leaned over the toilet and started hurling my guts out. Affter a little bit I was throwing up stomach acid. Deciding that I had gotten the food out of my system I stopped and flushed the toilet. Stopping at the sink to wash my hands. To get my mind off things I headed to the Library it's the best place to go for that kind of thing I thought.

Upon arrival I grabbed a random book off the shelf from the mystery section and began to read.

Time Skip


I was about half way done before the book when someone came in the library. '' Hey Y/N everyones playing tag outside come on out and play with us " Norman said. It might not be a good idea for me to play but it would be suspicious if I didn't so I really don't have much say in the matter.
'' Sure I'll join " I said setting down my book so I can finish later. Getting up I followed Norman outside.

To be continued
Word Count: 872

Fighting Spirt (Ray and Norman x Suicidal Reader)Where stories live. Discover now