Chapter 8

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             '' Norman can play with us Kazuya that's fine " I said Kazuya was jumping up and down with joy. And Norman looked relieved? Why would he be relieved? What is he thinking? Does he possibly know something? Let's not think about this right now. Let's focus on the game for the time being. I'll think more about this later.  '' Alright guys we still haven't found Tommy and Toby, so let's get going " I said gently grabbing Kazuya by the hand. And with Norman trailing behind us we left the hallway.

            " Hey Kazuya,where do you think the other two are hiding? " Norman asks smiling down at her.

            " I don't know, Tommy and Toby are unpredictable" She answered.

              " Yeah they truly are, the two of them always change their hiding spot up " I added.

            " Though, I do find that Tommy and Toby always hide together " I told the other two.

           Walking down the hallway with Kazuya's hand in mine. I started thinking that Tommy and Toby are probably hiding in the library. As I'm pretty sure that the both of them have yet to hide there I concluded.

    With my new found conclusion I started to direct Kazuya to the library with Norman once again trailing behind us. He makes me nervous, I really, really don't want him to find out my secret. No one's ever supposed to know about that. I thought as me, Norman and Kazuya finished the final leg of our journey to the library.


            We have arrived at our destination. Hopefully I was right and Tommy and Toby are indeed in the library. I don't want to be around Norman any longer than I have to be. If I'm around him for to long he'll probably be able to piece things together. He's smart after all.

         Taking a breath, I open the door hopefully. I let go of Kazuya's hand allowing her to pass me. Wincing slightly as the wooden door digs into the flesh on my arms, reopening my most recent wounds. I quickly try to cover it up but it was to late, Norman had seen. Dang it, I messed up bad I thought as Norman gives me a sad smile as he walks past me and into the open doors of the library.

         Walking into the room I breath a sigh of relief, grateful that the pressure of the door was no longer on my now open wounds.

         " You ok? " Norman asks whispering into my ear.

         " I'm fine, Norman " I tell him speaking to him softly. As I say this my gaze falls to the floor. This is pathetic I can't even look him in the eyes while I lie to him. Norman bends down looking at me, forcing me to look at him and meet his eyes. Forcing me to look him in the eyes. There's so much emotion in his eyes. He looks sad almost like he's holding back his tears. His expression is pained. Why is he in pain? In his eyes there's also a hint of disappointment. Does he know I lied to him? Is that way he's disappointed, because I lied to him?

      I'm sorry Norman. I'm so, so sorry. I don't want to make you sad. I don't want you to be filled with all those negative emotions that slowly eat away at your will to just keep on going. I don't want to be the reason that you shed tears. I don't want to make you sad. I only want to bring you happiness. I want you to think of me and smile once I'm gone not cry over me. I don't deserve your tears. I don't deserve any of your guys tears.

            " Are you sure that your fine
Y/N? It's ok to not be ok. Your not alone you have me, Ray and Emma with you if you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. You even have Kazuya, Tommy and Toby with you and I know they might not have been with you as long as me, Ray and Emma but those three love you so so much Y/N. So please just tell me the truth " He finishes speaking in a soft tone.

          I look Norman dead in the eyes and gently reach for his hands and when he doesn't make any move to pull away I gently clasp his hands in mine. " I'm fine Norman, see? " I say giving him a well practiced smile.

       He just gives me a half smile back, the sadness in his eyes still remained. Well at least I tried I thought. Though my effort wasn't good enough I'll have to try harder next time. If the time ever comes.

  " I found Tommy and Toby, Y/N!! " Kazuya said excitedly. Quickly I broke eye contact between me and Norman and turned to where I thought Kazuya's voice was coming from. I watch her as she comes out from behind a row of bookshelves, with Tommy and Toby right on her heels.

      " Great job Kazuya! You found Tommy and Toby! That must have been hard you did amazing by getting through it " I told her as I walked to her and embraced her in a hug.

       " Y/N can we have a hug to? " Toby asked looking at me hopefully. Tommy peering at me behind his shoulder.

        " You guys can absolutely have a hug " I told them, their expressions filling with Joy. I carefully unwrapped my arms from around Kazuya, not wanting to hurt her. Once I did that I turned to the pair of boys and embraced them. There smaller arms wrapping around me as well returning the hug.

       " Do I get a hug to? " Norman asked. I almost forgot Norman was here.

        " Yeah I guess you can have a hug as well Norman " I told him as I walked towards him my arms opened wide, read to embrace him. As I moved closer to him our arms touched and I winced slightly. His arm just touched my wounds, that actually really hurt. I resisted the urge to pull my arm away and I continued to wrap my arms around Norman embracing him in a hug.

       He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered.


" There's something up with you Y/N and I'm going to find out what it is  ".

To be continued
Word Count: 1063
- CL34RK4T4N4M4N1A
- AayressAnthony
Thank you CL34RK4T4N4M4N1A and AayressAnthony for the support that you've given me I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also I have a question for the readers. Are my chapters worth the time you wait for them? If you need any clarification about my question just ask me in the comments and I'll try my best to answer.

Thank you for reading
Chou-Chan out

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