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i followed closely behind obito as he led me out of my complex to his car, an all black mercedes coupe. with him never failing to surprise me, he held open the door for me and closed it after i got in. i smiled at his chivalry while in the passenger seat. not long after he got in he started the car and we were off—to where exactly i was unsure.

"you can open it after dinner, there's some entailments i need to go over with you first," he said referring to the 'present' i was given.

i nodded in response and rested my hand on my cheek as i looked out the window. i enjoyed the familiar feeling of looking out the car window; something about it was mesmerizing.

i glanced over to see his facial expression only to see him completely focused on the road.


i must've been more lost in my thoughts than i realized, because before i knew it we'd arrived. again being rather old-fashioned, he'd opened the car door for me which i again smiled at.

i followed obito to the front doors of the establishment as the valet worker parked the car. looking ahead i saw there was a security guard to let people into the place.


as we approached the door, he let us in with a simple nod. "well you're quite popular huh?" i joked.

"hah, i have my ways," he joked back.

we got to our table and he pulled the chair out for me. as i sat down i smoothed my dress out. immediately i felt misplaced, fancy dresses and restaurants were never my thing, but i guess it never hurt to play dress up once in awhile. looking around i noticed there was no one else in the entire restaurant.

did he reserve the whole place?

"i figured it would be better if we could speak in private. you know, without all the noise," he explained as if he could read my mind.

"right, got it," i replied.

just then the waiter came to take our drink orders. "what would you like to drink tonight?" the waiter asked.

"yamazaki on the rocks," obito said.

"and for you miss?" the waiter asked me, and with that they were both staring at me. not knowing much about alcohol i blurted, "chardonnay...please." with that the waiter nodded and walked away.

"not much of a drinker hm?" he remarked with a smirk.

"no...well except for that one time," i replied while smiling nervously.

how embarrassing.

almost immediately after the waiter came back and gave obito his drink, as well as poured my wine.

"now, i'd like to go over the details of the job with you," he said while pulling out some papers i had failed to notice. i examined the stack of papers that he'd slid across the table and waited for whatever he might say next. he took a sip of his drink as i attentively traced the rim of my wine glass before taking a drink.

"the papers i've given you are just some basic documents. first, an NDA, for the sole purpose of protection to you and myself. all of my subordinates have had to sign one as well. also, i can't continue until you sign it," he explained.

"right, i understand," i replied while printing my signature next to the x.

"good, now i'd like to ask you some questions," he said.

"go on...," i replied.

"are you uneasy with blood?" he asked.

"no," i replied lowly with a heavy feeling on my shoulders.

"what about knives? guns? have you ever fired one?" he went on.

"i-i'm pretty familiar with knives and guns...my grandfather taught me how to fire one when i was younger," i answered.

"alright. have you ever killed anyone?" he asked nonchalantly.

i practically choked on the air.


"hah i'm just kidding, i'm supposed to be a textbook serial killer remember?" he joked.

just then the waiter came back to take our food orders.

"what will you be having tonight sir?" he asked.

"i'll have the filet, thanks," he answered.

"and for you miss?" the waiter asked.

i looked at the menu frantically realizing i haven't payed attention to it this whole time.

obito must've notice because he answered, "make it two of those."

with that the waiter left again.

"well actually, i'm only kind of joking," he continued.

"what do you mean by that?" i questioned.

"i'm not sure how well you're going to react to this but...i want you to join a mafia," he said.

it felt like time had stopped completely.

"are you following?" he questioned.

"yes but, you're asking me to join a...? why? when?" i asked in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"well if i'm going to be honest, i'm desperate here. we just lost one of our members, suicide. lucky me, i ran into you about two days after it happened, and it think you'd make a fine replacement," he explained.

i was completely flabbergasted.

"oh come on, don't look at me like that," he said with a light chuckle.

"honestly, in cities like this honest workers don't come out on top, but i'm sure you already knew that," he explained while taking a sip of his whiskey.

thinking back to my family and my target job, he was right. swallowed dryly while practically chugging my entire glass of chardonnay.


what do i even say to that?

and fuck i already signed the NDA

"so just to be clear, i can walk out of here right now and...nothing will come of it?" i asked.

"of course, but then...i can never speak to you again nor can you speak about me because of that little paper right there," he said motioning to the contract.

damn it.

i mean, whats the worst that can happen?

i die?

well to me at least that's not the worst thing

plus...it's not like you have something better waiting for you

"if you're worried about money, i promise that i'll personally make it worth your while," he further explained.

with hesitation i finally gave in and said, "o-okay i'll do it."

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