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a smol filler while i'm on vacation ~

"hey seriously nai you can't even open the damn door for me?!" itachi yelled at me while i accidentally shut the door in his face.

"OH sorry!" i said while laughing.

it was pretty amusing that he'd become my personal butler while we were shopping. unfortunately for him, his duties weren't done yet since i needed some help with my room.

i skipped off to what was now my room forgetting itachi was behind me and audibly ticking him off in the process.

* mini flashback *

"can we pleaseee get coffee?" i asked making a puppy dog face.

"no," itachi said while taking a quick glance at me

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"no," itachi said while taking a quick glance at me.

i looked down and made a pouty face in defeat. of course this was an attempt to make him feel bad.

"that's not going to w-...," he began to say while i looked at him hopefully. "fine, but make it quick," he said in defeat.

"YAYYY THANK YOU!!" i yelled while hugging him.

"quiet down would ya? people are staring," he said.

"oh...eheh, sorry," i said with a half smile.

after waiting in a 10 minute line—which was expected—i ordered my usual coffee and we left the store that was connected to it.

* flashback end *

i laughed lightly at the memory from only an hour ago. it's crazy how much fun we'd had together so far, or at least i thought so. if i had grown up with an older brother, i imagine this is what it'd be like.

everything was simple. not like with obito, making me feel uncomfortable for being too close to him, or wondering if i'd said the wrong thing. though, i knew i couldn't run from the problem forever and i'd have to eventually get to know him one way or another.

sadly, the fun was about to end because i had more work to do with his brother now. though, if they're related then maybe he'll be somewhat like him.

pulling me out of my thoughts, he barged in the door with about 10 bags in hand. "thanks for helping me!" he said sarcastically with a smile. i rolled my eyes while laughing and helped take some of the bags.

"so where are we starting boss?" he asked.

"hmm," i thought standing in the middle of the room with a finger on my chin.

"the bedding is plain, there's no posters on the walls and...," i paused while pulling out the new polaroid camera we bought at the store.

"there," i said as the flash went off, capturing a picture of both of us.

"perfect," i said while tucking it in the frame of the vanity mirror.

i turned to find what seemed to be a happy looking itachi, but i could tell there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, like i'd reminded him of something or someone.

to break the silence i exclaimed, "well what are you waiting for let's start!"

with that we spent the next few hours cleaning, organizing, and decorating my new room. i have to say, i enjoyed being able to share my love for design. after we were finished i gathered all the trash and tossed it in the bin.

falling back on the bed i said, "thanks for helping me today."


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"anytime...well actually next time we go shopping you're carrying your own bags," he said with squinted eyes.

"whatever," i said laughing as he closed the door.

well, just me and my thoughts now.

hm this bed is soft

i think i could just fall asle-

* knock *
* knock knock*

"i'm coming in so if you're changing it's your fault!" someone yelled behind the door waking me up.

"huh?" i mumbled.

i rubbed my eyes only to find an annoyed man looking at me that seemed to be around my age.

"oh sorry, have we met before?" i asked confused.

"have we- nevermind. i'm supposed to be training you this week! so i thought i would come introduce myself. i guess some people don't know how to prepare," he said matter of factly.

"hey what's the big idea guy?! you come in and wake me up and you're mad at me?! you know wha- hm...whatever. you're not worth the time," i said back.

"well i'd suggest you get rid of the attitude. you're the new one here so i'm going out of my way to help you. anyway, names sasuke and don't forget it cause i'm not gonna tell you twice," he said while crossing his arms.

geez i can't wait, this is gonna be so fun...

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