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~ na-bi's pov ~

as i felt myself awakening i gripped what felt like the sheets in fear. my eyes shot open while panting from what was possibly the worst nightmare i've ever had. i joined a mafia and had to lead a life of crime. after that, i was unable to talk to anyone i knew before and even had to take on a whole new identity. after taking a few moments to catch my breath, i took in my surroundings. i was in...

obito's bed

"wha-?" i muttered to myself.

just then a massive wave of memories from the night before hit me.

so it wasn't a dream?!

i tried to recall what happened between then and now, but everything felt fuzzy and the temples of my head were pounding.

my phone, where is it?

i looked around the room while sitting up and recognized it sitting on the dresser next to the bed. turning it on, the home screen read "8:00 am." just then, i heard a shift next to me.

as i scanned obito's body, i noticed his attire—or lack thereof, which made me slightly uneasy. i wasn't a prude, but since my late lover i haven't even seen let alone been next to a man who was half naked.

he fidgeted in bed before brushing his hair out of his face. he started, "i see you're awake before me...how did you sleep?"

"erm...g-good i slept good. well...except for a nightmare but that's not important. what about you?" i replied.

he looked rather worried at the second half of my reply.

"what was the dream about?" he asked with concern in his dull eyes.

"it's nothing it's stupid...r-really," i said.

he let out a vexed sigh and began to roll out of bed to put his clothes on.

giving in, i decided to answer, "well i had to join a mafia and a bunch of other things but that's basically it."

"ohh i see, well unfortunately it's not a nightmare, but don't worry, we'll have lots of fun together. if it was all work there'd be no desire to stay right?" he said.

"heh...right," i trailed.

"you got a little too drunk so i brought you home with me. well i would've had to anyway. everyone in the anbu—that's what we're called by the way—stays in this house. there's no way i would buy a house this big just for myself," he explained.

so that's why i have a headache

"ohh i see, so where is everyone?" i asked.

"sleeping—even though they shouldn't be—training, eating, i'm not entirely sure. we all still have our own lives ya' know," he answered while taking his pajama pants off.


i quickly turned around and covered my eyes in which i heard him chuckle at.

"right, so first day...where do i start?" i asked while still turned around.

"well before we can begin anything...you should get cleaned up," he said, "the shower is in here. oh and...you can turn around now."

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