First Glance

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* I hate writing said so much so I'm the conversation between you and Sarah your dialogue is italicized and Sarah's is in regular font*

Background :
Your name is Raven you are 28 and you work as a realtor with your best friend Carmen. You are very beautiful but you seem to not see your beauty. You enjoy Fleetwood Mac, Mitski, and occasionally some lady gaga. Also, in this story, Sarah is 45.
Sarah Paulson
Raven Hart (you)
Mr. Kevin Lee - your boss
Carmen Lee (Carm)- your bestfriend
Rachel Hart- your mom
Rachel Paulson- Sarah's sister

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Raven POV - you
"I can finish this Raven go home you've been here 2 days straight," Carmen says looking at me concerned. " Okay, Carm please make sure you finish this or Kevin will kill me." I say hesitantly. " girl I won't let you down, leaveeee" Carmen says practically pushing me out the door. I walk slowly to my car and just sit for a second. I pull down the mirror and I see that I look a complete mess. It is obvious I have been up for more than 24 hours as I could see the dark circles shouting at me. I close the mirror and decide to go to the bar. It's been a long two days and a few shots of tequila should take the edge off. I drive up to the best bar in LA and order 2 rounds of tequila shots.

Sarah POV
This girl is so beautiful. She has the most breathtaking eyes and her facial structure had to be hand sculpted by God herself. You could tell she was a bit tired and stressed but those dark circles made her look even better. Don't even get me started on her body. I continue staring this beautiful woman down when she downs 4 shots of tequila in less than 5 seconds. I don't want to disturb her but I feel like I have to say something.

Raven POV- you

I finish the first round smoothly but I hear a voice say " hey are you okay? You're downing those shots pretty fast". I look up to see the one and only Sarah Paulson. I freeze as I take in her beauty. She may look good on tv, but she's 12 times more beautiful in person. As I realize I've been staring and have yet to answer her question, I spit out an

" oh um yeah- no I'm not fine"

What's wrong honey?

"I'm okay I've just been up for about 48 hours doing paperwork and I'm just really tired."

"I'm sorry to hear that. well, why don't you just go home if you're so tired, sweetie?"

"I know I know I probably sound stupid but I physically couldn't go home. If I go home with all this stress on me I probably would never make it back out. So... I came here"

"Oh honey, you are everything but stupid. I'm sorry I didn't get your name?"

"Raven "

"Sarah "

"It's so cute of you to introduce yourself when you are literally my favorite person on this earth". I cover my mouth as I realized what I've just said. "I've definitely scared her off " I think.

"I'm sorry you're probably super weirded out by me now. I'm sorry I-"

"Raven, you're rambling sweetie, Sarah says with a chuckle. I wasn't weirded out, it's okay. I mean I'm honored to be your favorite person on earth."

I smile awkwardly and take another shot. " I may not have scared you off but I definitely just killed every ounce of confidence I once had, I say while looking up into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Well, I have enough confidence for both of us. How about I take you home? You surely can't drive in your condition. "

"Sarah- you don't have to do that- "

"But I offered. Come on sweetie."

I follow Sarah out to her car and she makes sure I'm comfortable in the passenger's seat. I tell her my address and she begins driving. She places her hand on my thigh, gently caressing it making me melt. I'm still in awe that I'm in Sarah Paulson's car and she knows my name. Sarah turns on the radio and Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac turns on. It immediately gives me energy and I go to turn up the radio.

"So you like Fleetwood Mac huh? ", Sarah asks raising an eyebrow

Oh my god like is an understatement! you say and begin singing along. "Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her?" you practically scream.

Sarah giggles but joins in. "Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover?"

You both laugh loudly and continue singing along until the song ends. The song ends and she pulls into your driveway.

"Perfect timing," Sarah says with a grin staring into your eyes.

"More than perfect," you say staring back, reciprocating the desire in her eyes. We both lean in and our lips meet. It was gentle but passionate and felt like heaven against my lips. I break the kiss and we both smile widely. " Until next time Paulson," I say while getting out of the car and she smiles and nods.

Sarah POV

Raven and I just shared the best kiss I've had in years and she sadly has to go. Before she leaves she says " Until next time Paulson". If possible, my smile gets bigger as I hear there will be a next time. I nod at her and watch her walk into her house. I drive off replaying Rhiannon and thinking about how I've just met this girl but I think this could last. I think to text her goodnight when I realize I failed to get her number. "Oh my god, what do I do," I think while entering the highway.

Me and Sarah (Sarah x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now