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Sarah: Itallic

You/Raven- regular

The next morning

Sarah POV

I wake up at noon with the biggest smile on my face. I just met this girl but I think she is 'the one'. I quickly text lily telling her everything about last night.

"Oh my god Sarah you have a girlfrienddd" Lily replies and I chuckle slightly.

Sarah: "Stop it, I don't have a girlfriend but I may have just met my soulmate"

Lily: " Ewwww enough I want to meet her before I hear anything else. you know you need my approval"

Sarah: "yes mother, I'll text and see if she's down for that."

Lily: "That's my girl, see you tonight babe I gtg"

"see you later, " I reply and then decide to text raven now." oh shit," I say audibly. I never got her number. I quickly get dressed and get into the car. It may sound crazy but im going to her house. I can't let this connection pass. I try my best to remember the directions to her house considering it was pretty late last night. I drive up to a familiar-looking house and knock on the door.

Raven POV-you

I wake up with a smile. I've never felt like this before. I think I'm falling for this woman. Well, I've already fallen for her through the tv but it's so much better in real life. I reach for my phone thinking of texting Sarah when it clicks. I never got her number. I have no idea what to do because I don't even know where she lives. I sit in bed thinking about the amazing night we had and how I'll never see her again. As I seep back into the bed I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the door confused as to who would be here this early in the morning. I open the door to see Sarah. She looks nervous and like she is dying to say something. "Are you okay?" I ask while pulling Sarah into my house. "Yes I'm okay, it's just really great to see you again," she says and I can't help but blush slightly. " It's great to see you again as well. Would you like a cup of coffee or maybe breakfast?" I ask staring deeply into her brown eyes. "Yes please, just a cup of coffee," she says staring deeply back into my eyes. We stare at each other for what feels like a lifetime but then I finally break the eye contact to make her coffee.

"I really enjoyed myself last night except I forgot to do one thing," Sarah says whilst tapping an unknown beat on my island.

" And what did you forget to do?" I say with a smirk that Sarah can't see because I am turned towards the coffee maker.

" I forgot to get your number and so I drove back here this morning or I guess afternoon now which might seem a little creepy but I promise it was out of-" Sarah starts but you cut her off with-

"Sarah, honey you're rambling. You did forget to get my number and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't thinking about you before you walked in here," I say. Sarah looks up from her lap with a big grin and I give her a wink.

" You're gonna have to earn that number though," I say as I place her cup of coffee in front of her.

"And how will I do that?"

"I don't know you tell me"

" Raven that's not fair, how am I supposed to 'earn' your number if I don't know what to do," Sarah says with a pout. I shrug my shoulders with a smile and sit in the chair next to her.

" So, how is American horror story aren't you filming right now?"

" Don't think I didn't notice you changing the subject but yes, in fact, I film today at 7."

"That's so cool I wish I could meet the cast, especially Lily Rabe."

"Hey!" Sarah says as she gives me a slight nudge."What about me?"

"Don't worry you're my favorite" I say with another wink causing Sarah to blush. Never in a million years would I think I would be hardcore flirting with Sarah Paulson in my kitchen but look at me now.

"Speaking of Lily Rabe, what do think about meeting her?" Sarah says as she places her hand on top of mine.

"You're joking"

"Nope, definitely not joking"

"Sarah please stop playing with me"

"I can show you the text message if you'd like"

"you talk about me to her," I say with a smirk and she realizes what she said.

"Uhm maybe anyways answer the question"

"As long as there is alcohol because I definitely cannot talk to her like a regular person without some liquid courage"

Sarah laughs and then says" Deal. Did I earn your number now?"

"Definitely," I say grabbing Sarah's phone and putting my number in it. When I look up from her phone I lock eyes with her and I can't seem to look away. Sarah leans in slightly giving me time to pull away but of course, I don't. I close the gap and our lips meet. This kiss isn't like the others; It is filled with passion and love and not simply lust. Her hands move to my waist and while mine make their way through her hair. We both break the kiss to catch our breath, still looking into each others' eyes.

"That was amazing, "I say allowing a smile to cover my face.

"It was indeed," Sarah says returning the smile.

" I would love to sit here and talk to you but I have to go home and take a shower before I head to set," Sarah says while standing up from her chair.

" I understand. Text me when you get home and let me know you got home safely" you say as you walk her to the door

" Of course"

We both reach the door and we kiss once again. I break the kiss and say " You better go before you never make it out of here". Sarah laughs and says " Good idea, I'll text you when I get home about the meeting lily thing as well. I'll see you later" "See you later" I say as I watch her walk out the door.

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