CⱧ₳P₮EⱤ 6.7

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Y/N's POV:


Although I'm still slightly numb from what I assume anesthesia, I still felt a sharp pain shooting up my right leg. I bit my lips to refrain from crying out loud, but even then I still teared up.

"Kanato!" Reiji yelled, pulling the boy off of me. He was then immediately checking over me before I just painfully pointed at my right leg. He examined it before announcing that it was "just a dislocated knee and not a broken leg."

Still, that means I can't move that leg for a while.

I'm even more disable now. Yay!

Dammit, Kanato.

Reiji was about to pop my knee back on when Ayato's yelled abruptly.

"HEYYY, I GOT YOUR WATER!!!" He loudly proclaimed, holding a whole damn pitcher. Out of shock, Reiji's hands jolted, accidently setting my knees back in place without any warnings.






"O-oi, you ok there?"

dO I lOoK OkaY tO YOU???!!

"N-no," I whimpered in pain. "... Not daijoubu." I accusingly looked at Reiji, but the man just coolly retracted his hands before standing up. He merely gave me a glance before leaving off to god knows where.


I would have cradled my leg with both my arms, hunch over into a ball and cry. But, my hands are broken too!! 

Then I realized that I was holding perfectly holding a glass in my left hand. 

Huh, my left arm is fine. I must still be high on anesthesia 

Well, I can still at least one-handedly pat my leg. Which I would do after putting down the cup on the table, but Ayato was still standing there awkwardly with a pitcher of water in his hands.

Gesturing him to come closer, I set down the glass and took the pitcher from him. Then, I chugged down the whole thing like a champ (it wasn't that full anyways).

Yeah, I'm that thirsty. 

THirSty for some d


...... Wow. I must be higher than I thought. 

Reiji soon came back with more things than he left with. More bandages, a splint and some other things. He approach my bedside to tend to me.

"U ok now?" Ayato asked, glancing at me from time to time while awkwardly fidgeting.

I merely panned at him before just giving up and sighed. With a pitying nod, I patted him on his shoulders. The boy might not have asked at the best of times, but at least he cared. 

Shortly, Subaru and Yui came to visit, or more like coming to check what's all the commotion about. Even Shu came after hearing that bloodcurdling scream. 

"Y/N-san, are you okay?" Yui asked, concerned. She looked so worried as we hovered over me, trying to see all of my injuries.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied back, an unsettling feelings setting in my stomach. For some reason, I don't feel too comfortable with Yui, but I'm not sure why. I feel like I'm missing something. 

"Y/N-san, if you need anything, you must tell me!" She says, placing her hand on my shoulder to show her support. On my injured shoulder. "I'll help you!"

"Thank you," I smiled politely while easing my shoulder away from her hand. I'm probably still too high and am imagining things now.

Reiji just finished binding up my leg before he was immediately pushed aside by Kanato.

"Y/N-san." Kanato said, just quietly standing by my bedside. 

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side and smiling in encouragement. I waited for the young boy's answer, but he just quietly stared at me for while before carefully climbing up onto my bed. Then, he docilely sat beside me, resting his head against my left side. 

Baby, breaking my  leg is not enough so now you're trying to take my heart too?

"Kanato, Miss Y/N needs to rest." Reiji stated, disapproving of his younger brother's move. "Get off."

"But she just slept for forever!" Kanato frowned, clinging onto my arm. 

"Kanato, she needs to heal." Reiji said, pushing up his glasses with a frown on his face. 

"It's okay, Reiji" I placated him. "I doubt he'll bother me too much, right?"

Kanato beamed, "Yes, I won't!"

"See?" I looked back at Reiji, waiting for his response.

After a minute, he sighed, scowling. "Fine."

He then turned to leave the room, bringing the rest of the crowd with him

"Don't miss me too much, big b*tch-chan~" Laito winked, before leaving after Reiji and Ayato. 

"Y/N-san! Get well soon!" Yui waved at me before leaving with Subaru and Shu. Now all that's left is me and Kanato.

After waiting for the door to close, I then solemnly looked back at Kanato. The boy  just looked back at me curiously while holding his teddy against his chest.

"Kanato, you see that night stand there?" I pointed to the nightstand at the left of my bed. "Open the second drawer."

Nodding, Kanato obediently went to open the nightstand to find a drawer full of lollipops. He slowly looked back at me, eyes full of sparkles.

I chuckled. "Don't tell Reiji."

He nodded excitedly before scooping a whole bunch of lollipops into his hands.

I settled back into bed, feeling drowsy. As I was falling asleep, I felt the bed dipped at my side and a figure snuggling up to me.

"...Don't...forget to brush...your teeth" I mumbled, too tired to open my eyes. I felt the figure snuggling against me twice and I took that as a sign of confirmation. Then I drifted to sleep again.


I've been meaning to ask this a while, but to my old readers: Did you guys like the new cover? I changed it a while back if any of you guys remember. 

Anyways, I just notice that Shu and Subaru needs more screen time. This chapter will be edited soon, so please bear with any mistakes for now. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Comment/vote and let me know what you think!

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